Chapter 10: Confession.. Sort Of...

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Hiya weebs, I know I'm really far behind, so just bare with me.  Also, because of the holidays, I wasn't able to publish on time, so Jenna chan can't publish a chapter of her story.  I apologize, it's all my fault, but I hope you forgive me.  Now to the story, where things are getting heated!  I'm so far behind, it's not even funny...  Also, watch both video, they relate to the story greatly!

Uraraka's POV

       "Well..." Deku starts.  I can't believe it!  After all this time I thought the poems where from Deku!  I guess there not..  "I remember when I first saw you." he says finally.  "I was in the forest, practicing with my sword, and I saw you sitting by a tree. You helped a baby bird back into it's nest. It was the kindest thing I've ever seen."  I blush.  I wonder if he heard what I said...?  I remember how I snuck out that day and heard rustling from behind.  Then I ran away.  I ran away from Deku?!  "That was you back then?" I ask.  "Yeah, sorry for scaring you.."  "No, it's fine! I-I mean, please, continue."  He smiles at me.  "Then, when you caught me the day of the Entrance Exam. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have made it to Orientation!"  I smile back.  "And if it weren't for you, I would've been killed by a zero-point target! What an honor that would be!" I laugh, placing my hands on Deku's shoulders.  

       Usually, Deku would get nervous and start shaking.  Not this time.  He looks me in the eye, and keeps talking.  He's so different now.  I think, remembering the boy I met at the Entrance Exam.  He's stronger, physically and mentally.  "Afterwards, Kacchan had come. He... he and I have history, and he doesn't he like me... I think you could tell. Most people can. I bet you two have known each other for a very long time. Yet, you still defended me, I heard you. And I just wanted to thank you for that."  He bows, and I blush harder until I remember.  Bakugo!  I have to warn Deku about him...

        "Um, Deku kun? So sorry to interrupt you, but I really  have to tell you something."  "Oh, okay."  "Well the thing is... I'm betrothed!" I blurt out.  Deku's face goes blank.  "Huh?" he asks.  "I'm being forced to get married.. to Bakugo."  I say.  Deku just stares at me in shock.  "I-I just thought you should know, because Bakugo doesn't like us hanging out. Of course I don't care what he says!"  "Of course. The girl I love is getting married to my long standing rival and known bully Kacchan.." Deku mumbles.  "What did you say?" I ask.  "Nothing.." he answers.  "Okay. Anyway, Bakugo is helping me out of the marriage anyway."  Deku looks at me, confused.  "Why would Kacchan say that?" he asks.  "If he doesn't want me hanging with you, why doesn't he just marry you? It seems like the more practical thing to do, but Kacchan has never been a thinker."  I stare at Deku shocked.  I'd neve thought of that... "I-I don't know.." I stutter in reply.

       "Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude of me! I really sorry!" Deku says quickly apologizing.  "No it's okay. You make a good point. Now, what did you want to say?"  "Oh.. um, I just wanted to say thank you, and... warn you about Kacchan. If hurts you, in any way, come to me, I can help."  "Hurt me?"  "I've seen his anger unlike anyone else...." he shivers.  "T-that's all! You should go, it's probably time for breakfast, right?"  "Oh yes, of course. Good bye Deku kun!"  I run off thinking about what Deku had said.  Did Bakugo ever... hurt him?

Bakugo's POV

         I call to Uraraka when I see her at breakfast.  I won't mention that she lied to me, she probably doesn't want anyone to know she left.  "Hey Uraraka, what's up?"  "Not much..."  she looks away for a second.  "Actually, I have a question. Have you ever.... hurt Deku kun? He seems to be afraid of you."  Crap!  I gotta think, what should I say?   "Well, I guess I had anger issues when I was younger, so when I got mad, a lot of people get scared."  "Just when you were younger, huh?" Uraraka says.  "W-well not as badly now!" I stammer.  "A-anyway, I went to junior high with Deku, so that's probably why."  "Okay." she says, not fully convinced.  Still I sigh relief.  Good enough for now... I think.

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now