Chapter 6: All is Fair in Love and Poems

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Hey weebs, I'm back.  If you haven't already, go follow Jenna Fowl, she's a good friend.  I might not be able to publish two chapters this week, I've been going through a lot recently.  I don't want to say I might quit publishing the stories I write,  but I'm losing confidence.  I feel my stuff isn't good enough anymore.  Enjoy it, and please vote, it'd mean a lot to me.  Or not, whatever.  Arigato! 

Uraraka's POV

       A happy blush spreads across my face as I leave the Infirmary to find something to do.  Deku is so nice. And determined to pass the hardest exam in the kingdom.  I think we might become close friends, even though Bakugo doesn't approve of him, for reasons I still don't know.  Maybe they were rivals in junior high, I remember Bakugo would always visit the schools of the villagers.  Wait, why do I care what Bakugo says?  I think.  Because he's your future husband.  Kowareta answers ever-serious, ever-present in my mind.  Since when did I start thinking of him like that?  I liked it better when we were just friends.  Right....  I do like Bakugo, but not like that... do I?  I don't need to answer that...  Kowareta says.  Great, broken and stubborn.  Just what I need from my alternate personality. 

       I see an angry, flushed blonde haired boy stomp towards me.  He looks... maybe angry?  I can't tell, Bakugo is just as good as hiding his emotions as me.  Maybe even better.  I worry for him sometimes...especially when he gets like this.  So hostile, even towards his friends.  "Bakugo, are you okay?" I say, touching his arm.  He feels so... tense.  More than usual.  "U-Uraraka?! Shouldn't you be r-resting?" he stammers.  

       That's strange, Bakugo never stutters, he's always so princely.  So perfect.  "No, I'm okay now." I say, tapping the bandages on my face.  Bakugo frowns.  "Go rest in your room."  "Why I'm fine now-"  "Just do it!"  he shouts.  I sigh.  He must be in one of his moods again.  I think.  It happened a lot, though every time it still hurts.  Could it really because of Deku?  I guess I shouldn't tell Bakugo about us hanging out, and maybe being friends.  I head up to my room, saddened by Bakugo's bad temper.  

       Opening the door, I see a little not folded up on my nightstand.  "What's this?" I wonder aloud.  I pick it up, and read it: Dearest Uraraka, over a period of time, I have begun to have feelings for you.  I knew you wouldn't except me, being the flaw full boy I am, but I wanted to show you I do care.  Turn over the note, there's something on the back I wrote for you, with love.  I hope you like it.  My heart pounds in my ears.  Someone... loves me?  Who could be?  Is it... Deku?  I think.  No, we just met, not possible.  I decide.  And anyway, how would he know where my room was?  It must be someone else.  I want to ponder it longer, but I'm too eager to read what he wrote for me.  I turn it over, to read what my admirer had wrote.  

                                                                 Heart of Stone

My heart and stone are similar in ways more than one

You make us rise and fall, crush us than "Boom" you're done

But unlike a rock, I have hope....

That one day, instead of going, crashing down, you'll keep me up

                                                              No crashing sound

(Note: No hate, I wrote this poem myself a little while back.  It references the fight between Bakugo and Uraraka during the Sport's Festival ~Anime Chan/Annabeth Red King~)

I hope this helps you figure out my true identity.  Sincerely me~ (I make way too may references, I have issues.)

        I  start to cry tears of joy.  That poem... it, it was beautiful.  True feelings from the heart, not just a stupid cliché that has been done thousands of times.  A sweet, thought out gesture that shows you care about someone.  I want to show everyone the poem, Mina, Iida, Bakugo... Then the truth hits me in the head with a brick (Alicat sama  would know where this is from).  I can't let Bakugo or Father see these.  I think.  Bakugo would be jealous, and Father would be... angry.  Very angry.  I hide the poem and note in the back of a drawer.  There, they won't find it there...  Right?  I hope not.  

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now