Chapter 3: Two Meetings of Love

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Hello my weebs!  This is the last chapter before I start Falling for a Dragon again.  I can't wait, and things are getting good in this story and that one.  One last thing.  I just got home and saw I got three new followers!  Like who the hell are you crazy people who wanna read my crap?  Well, thanks anyway!  Hope you guys enjoy!  Arigato!

Uraraka's POV

          The clock struck midnight, and the whole palace is asleep.  Except for me.  I asked a friend in the Royal Army trainees to meet me.  She has a lot of experience with boys, and even trained me to be a knight, though it's not allowed for ladies of the court.  Too bad, it's much better than being a future princess.  There is one thing me and Momo san agree on though.  It's that the rule of, "Ladies of the court shall let others protect her at all times," is ridiculous.  Momo san also took these "training classes", along with other Royal Army trainee girls like my friend Tsu chan.  Sometimes the boys even joined us, though most of them didn't know.  That would tell on us and we could get into so much trouble.  Who knew Momo san could be such a rebel?

      "Hey, what's up?" I hear a voice ask.  From inside my black cloak, I throw a punch.  It may be a witches cloak, but all ladies have their edge, especially future princesses.  This was mine.  "Whoa, relax. It's just me, Ochako chan." says my friend Mina, catching my punch.  "Oh Mina chan, you scared me."  I say, putting down my hand.  "Sorry Ochako, but it's really late.  What did you want o talk about?"  I blush, fidgeting with my cloak.  "Ooooh, is it a guy?" Mina purrs.  "No!" I say.  I guess Mina didn't her about the betrothal.  "I'm betrothed to Bakugo." I say quietly.  "Ahah! So it is a guy!"  "I don't want to marry Bakugo. I don't want to be a princess."  I say revealing one of my deepest secrets.  

        Mina thinks for a second, finger on her lip.  "As a Royal Army trainee I don't understand the stress of royalty, but I can help you." I nod.  "Being betrothed is confusing, but I believe if you just hang around each other enough you could become better friends." Mina smiles.  "And maybe even more~"  "Stop it!" I whine, forgetting my  current situation even for a second.  "As for sleeping together?" I ask.  "That... is a problem.  No way I'm letting Bakugo take your first time."  "Mina please..." I say.  "Okay, okay.  But seriously, I bet you and Bakugo.  He'll protect you from..." Mina trails off.  She's the only one I trusted with the secret of Father's abuse.  

        "Mina," I hug her, eyes tearing up.  "Thank you, this was exactly what I needed."  (The whole reason I wrote this.)  "Well I do have experience with boys." Mina replies with a smirk, referring to her boyfriend, Kirishima.  I roll my eyes.  "If you need to talk, I'm here to listen."  she says.  That's exactly what Bakugo said in his letter.  I think.  Stop it, that's disgusting.  I think.  "See you at the Entrance Exam."  The ladies of the court are forced to just watch.  It's painful.  "Yup!" Mina replies, happily walking away.  With that I leave in good mood.  It didn't last long.  It never does.

        I walk back up to my room quietly.  As I change to go to bed, I hear a knock on my door.  "Come in."  I say, slipping into my nightgown.  "Ochako, why are you not with your husband?" Father says softly at first.  But I know better than anyone it's all an act.  And that's when my good mood vanished.  Oh no!   "W...well, we're not married yet so I thought..."  I start.  He strikes me on the back of the head with his hand.  Blood comes streaming down my face and pools onto the floor.  "I don't care, you will sleep with him once you are married."  He strikes me again.  "Is that clear?"  That's when Kowareta comes out to speak for me.  I wouldn't be able to, or want to.  But me and Kowareta both know that would only cause more torment.  "Yes, Father." she says.  "Good."  Then he leaves.  

      He didn't even... want me to do it tonight.  I think as I lose consciousness.  Kowareta is bloody on the floor, while I'm crying in the corner.  It's almost funny.  At the same time I'm both.  The broken girl, and the caged bird.

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now