Chapter 4: The Exam

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I'm finally back weebs!  You wouldn't believe how long it took to write this one chapter.  Well, I hope it was worth my blood and tears.  JK, not really.  That would be really bad. Comment if your in love with the picture.  He's so awkward around girls, it's the cutest thing ever! On with it!

Midoriya's POV 

       I woke up extra early today.  I don't usually do this, because I'm always training really hard.  But today is special.  The letter has arrived.  I put it down on the table in the kitchen.  I stare at the wax seal with the words Royal Army trainees  engraved in it.  I kind of feel it staring back at me, and I'm to scared to open it.  It's killing me inside.   There's no way they wouldn't except you.  I think.  As long as you're of age, have a sword, and are brave enough to sign up they at least let you take the Entrance Exam.  Sadly, these thoughts don't calm me.  Instead they spark new worries in my mind.  W-what if Kacchan in there?  What if I mess up?   I just couldn't bear to fail....

       I feel a reassuring hand on my shoulder.  "I know you can do it, Izuku. Just open it." Mom says.  I smile.  "Okay, I'll be right back." I head up to my room, letter in hands.  I carefully open the letter, and read it: Dear Midoriya Izuku.  We have sent you this letter to inform you that you have been accepted to take the Entrance Exam for the Royal Army trainees.  Please come to the palace training fields at 12:30 today.  Bring your own sword.  From, the Royal Army assistant trainee coach.

       After five minutes I came out of my room, tears in my eyes.  Mom hugs me.  "Mom..." I whisper.  "I got in."  She smiles as she reads the letter.  "You don't have much time, you should go get ready."  "Right, thanks Mom!" I say.  "Oh, and we need to talk about that sword." she says.  I sweat drop.  "...Riiiiiiiiight, I gotta go, bye!"  I say running out the door.  I run to the forest.  Under the tree with my initial lies the ever-present All Mighty.  I pick him up, yes I call my sword a he, and head for the palace.  Game on!

                                                                    ~Time skip~

        I walk onto the training field, smiling nervously.  I was at a palace, somewhere I would never be able to go unless I became a knight.  I have to try.  Here I go.  Remember the last ten months.  I thought.  That was when I first bought All Mighty, and the hardcore training began for real.  Take the first step... I think.  To becoming a real knight!   I can't wait!  I continue forward  with courage, and trip over my own foot.  Failure, and before I even started.  I thought sadly, as I came crashing down to the ground.   I waited for the crushing blow, then the laughter.  It never came.  I look up to see I was being held up in mid-air.  Of course, being me, I freaked out immediately.  

       "Are you alright?" asks a kind and familiar voice.  I look up and see the nice person I saw in the forest the other day.  I blush upon seeing her, remembering what I said when I first saw her.  When I become a knight, I will find her.  I still mean every bit of those words.  She's holding me up right now, and since I've been working out I'm a lot heavier.  She is really strong.  I want to talk to her, maybe it'll happen before I even become a knight.  In the forest she looked like a normal villager like me, but now she looks like a princess.  She's still just as beautiful as she was that day, maybe even more so.  Same amber eyes, same brown hair.  Last time I checked, Bakugo didn't have a girlfriend.  The whole kingdom usually knows about stuff like that.  Even the smallest date is the only thing you'll hear about for days at a time, if it involves the Royal Court.  It's a small kingdom.

       The girl puts me down.  "Sorry for startling you, I didn't mean any harm." I just stare.  The girl of my dreams, right in front of me!  I think.  "But it's be bad luck if you fell, right?" Er-ma-gersh-Izuku-talk!  I think.  Thank fully I don't need to say a word.  She does most of the talking anyway.  "Aren't you nervous?" she asks smiling.  Wait is she taking the exam too?!   "Uh..." I stutter shyly.  "Let's see you do your best. See ya!" With that, she left me feeling strange.  I talked to a girl!  And it was the nice person from the forest!  I think.  You didn't actually talk too her, you know that, right?  says a voice in my head.  I ignore it, to happy to question my mental health at the time.  (Comment if you weebs can relate, because I sure can.)

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now