Chapter 8: Adjustments

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Hello my little weebs, I'M BACK!!!!  I said only 4 weeks, but I lied.  I stayed for 6, but now I'm back to my usual writing schedule.  Hopefully.  Let's get right to it!

Bakugo's POV

       I watched Uraraka stomp off.  Kirishima walked over to me, not noticing my bad mood.  "Hey Bakugo, you know Midoriya kun beat your best score?"  "Eh?"  Kaminari nods.  "And it's his first time in the trainees!"  "Guess you're on top anymore, huh, Bakugo?" Sero jeers.  I barely pay attention to their words.  It's true, I wasn't my best today.  Uraraka kept... distracting me.  I thought for a minute, walking away.  Not on top anymore. Distracter, heartbroken. Top-notch before love... Top-notch eh?  Though my feet where already taking me there, I made my way to my room.

        I grab the first piece of paper I see.  I wrote down two thoughts, came up with a rhyme for the next two, and then I wrote the last line that's beginning and ending rhymed.  I fixed a few words, making it sound more... like me.  I want her to start to figure out who wrote the poems,  After I finish, I slip out of my room to do the impossible.  Get in Uraraka's room, leave the poem, and get out unnoticed.  I say a silent prayer, them make my way across the palace.  

       I push the door open, and thankfully, Uraraka isn't back yet.  I reread my poem.  Just thinking about Uraraka reading this makes me want to punch something!  A wall, ort maybe Deku.  She liked the last one, and this one is just as good. I tell myself.  I hesitate, then quickly put the poem on her nightstand.  Then I hear the most dangerous noise.  Footsteps.  Not only are sons and daughters not allowed to be in each others rooms, Uraraka is still mad at me!  I drop to the floor, rolling under her bed like I was dodging in knight training.  

       The doors open.  "Another one?" Uraraka walks over to the nightstand, and sits on the bed.  My heart pounds fast.  At first I thought it was because I was going to be caught, but it's because Uraraka's wearing a skirt!  I-i'm not a pervert, she's wearing leggings!  I will not become Mineta, NEVER!  

       She reads the poem out loud:

                                  "Top-Notch Love 

Top-notch before I came to this class 

Top-notch before you made my heart bleed

Top-notch before you broke me like glass 

Top-notch before you crushed me like a weed

 I can be Top-Notch once more, If you allow me to... 

                                                  Be Yours"

       "Top-notch? That means.. the best! It must mean someone in T-A, they are the top of all the trainees! Oh I love these poems!"  Uraraka says happily.  She does, doesn't she?  I think.  "Daughter Uraraka, its meal time." says a servant.  "Of course, I'll be there soon."  She shoves the poem in draw, and hurries off to dinner.  When the door closes I crawl out from under the bed, (that's the weirdest sentence I've ever written) and slowly close door.  I walk down the hall to find Kirishima.  "Hey Bakugo, do you know what's for dinner?" Kirishima asks.  "Mhmm." I mumble with a goofy on my face.  Uraraka likes, no, loves my poems.  Nothing else matters.

Deku's POV

       "Hey Midoriya kun?"  I turn around.  "Hi Kirishima kun, what's up?"  He places a hand on his stomach.  "Dinner. I just learned that we have to make it ourselves or beg one the streets! And this only T-A and T-B!"  I look at him strangely.  "Okay where's the kitchen? We can start cooking now."  "But all the trainees are noble born, we've never cooked before."  I smile.  That's right, their servants do everything for them.  "Take me to the kitchen, I'll make something. I am a baker's son."  "So manly! You're a life saver!"  He leads me to the kitchen, where some are getting ready to beg for food.  

        "I can't believe we have beg for food!" Ashido says.  "This will improve our lack of gratitude! At least that's what Iida kun would probably say..." Jiro sighs.  "Well he's getting fed isn't he?!!"  "So are you!" I say.  "I'll cook, you guys get ingredients. This is going to be a team effort!"  I begin to order the others around, asking them for water and meat for the base, and helping them make the noodles.  They were especially  bad at cooking, but I made it work.  In about ten minutes, we made fifteen bowls of ramen.

       "Thanks for the food!"  they say, eating like they've never had ramen before.  "What's this even called?" Sero says between slurps.  "Um ramen.."  I guess they haven't...  "Let's just say, thank God for Midoriya kun!" Ashido cheers.  The rest of T-A echoes her.  I never thought that being a poor baker's son would be do useful in knight training.  After they finish eating I'm overwhelmed by compliments and pats on the back.  I have friends for the first time..  It feels good to be an equal.

       I glance at the clock.  Uraraka should still be allowed out, I'll bring her some ramen.  In about a minute, I had it ready.  In my opinion, it was the best bowl I made that night.  "U-uh Kirishima kun?"  "Yeah Midoriya kun?"  "D-do you know where Uraraka san's room is, I want to take her an extra bowl." I say.  Kirishima nods, oblivious to my stuttering.  "I think she'd like that a lot."  I cradle the bowl in my arms.  I hope so...

Uraraka's POV 

       I hear a knock at my door after dinner.  "Yes?" I say, slowly opening the door.  It better not be Bakugo...  "Deku kun! And Kirishima kun too. What's that you've got there?" I ask, looking at the bowl in Deku's hands.  "Ramen! For you!"  he says, his head bowed.  He made something... for me...?  Kirishima nudges him forward.  "I-I made some for the trainees, and had extras..."  I stare with wide eyes.  Ramen!  I haven't had it since my mother left!  It's usually a common food, but it's so good.  "Thank you Deku kun!" I say, wrapping my arms around the little bowl of heaven.  "Deku kun..." Kirishima snickers.  Deku blushes.  "Your w-welcome! Good night!" he stutters in reply.  I close the door, and the two leave for the trainee barracks.  

        Slurping down the ramen on my bed, I realize something.  Deku and my admirer are both in T-A. Could it be Deku?  It was so sweet of him to make me ramen, especially since he knew I already ate.  And then there's Bakugo, who I know, deep down inside, I'm not really mad at.  He just needs to be more sensitive.  Towards one specific person.  That I may or may not have a crush on...  I guess I have to get used to liking these to guys. 

Bakugo's POV

       I see Deku and Kirishima make their way across the palace.  Deku's holding a bowl of common food, and he's pretty much shaking.  Kirishima looks like his stupid, happy, normal self.  It's actually scary.  What're they up to?  I think, following them.  I recognize where they're headed immediately.  THAT LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT IS GOING INTO URARAKA'S ROOM WITH KIRISHIMA!  Damn it weird hair, I thought you knew I liked her!  Why would he take Deku to her room?!  She peaks innocently out the door.  I picture Deku and  Kirishima attacking Uraraka, then me jumping in to save her.  That's not going to happen.  says the voice in my head.  Yeah, I know that....

       When I look back up, I see Deku offer Uraraka the bowl, and she happily takes it.  That damn nerd cooked for the trainees?  Un-frickin believable!  I sigh when she closes the door, safe.  I knew Deku couldn't hurt her, but Kirishima...?  You're so over protective. says the voice.  Yeah, I know.  But when I see those soft amber eyes, I think, "Must protecc!" (Lol, I need help!)  I-I mean... It's my job as prince to protect the ladies of the court from outsiders...  Yeah, that's it...  Anyway, she loves my poems.  She cares about me more than stupid Deku.  I know she does!

DONE! After such a long break, I'm finally back with my best story on Wattpad!  If you like this book, please check out my other stories Inner Voice and Falling for a Dragon!  And my editor Yanderesneedlovetoo finally published!  Go check it out, I already love it!  That's all, stay imperfect!

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now