Chapter 2: Marriage, Love, and Acceptance

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Everything I have, everything I own.                                                                                                                          

All my mistakes man you already know. 

I wanna be free, I wanna be free.

~by Akon~

Hey my little weebs!  I'm back again, sorry for those of you who were enjoying my time off.  Since the majority of the people who actually care  about my writing are Fairies, I'm going to publish a few more chapters of this, then get back to my GaLe, Gratsu, Fraxus shipping action.  Now back to the story.  Lot's of fluff.  Ciao!  

Uraraka's POV

             I hurry back to the palace.  I was sure I heard someone.  I thought.  It was like an unnatural shade of green, one I've never seen before.  It was probably just Kowareta talking (who barely sees anything outside of the court room), but it was the most beautiful color in that entire forest.  So gentle and kind...  What's wrong with you Ochako?   I ask myself.  It was just a leaf or something, relax.  How could a leaf be gentle or kind?  I think I'm at wits end.  Court is gonna break me.  Ochako, not Kowareta.  Checking to see if the coast is clear, I slipped into an unoccupied room, and changed into my normal lady-of- the-court dress.  It's much looser than the one I wore to meet with the King.  Thank God, I could barely stand it!

           As I leave the room, I bump into someone.  "Uhwaaah!" I yelp, falling to my knees.  (A reference to my friend Sayori from DDLC.)  I see someone smirk down at me.  "Sorry Uraraka.  You okay?" Bakugo says, offering his hand.  I turn red upon seeing my childhood friend laugh at me.  Childhood friend.  Not future husband.  I hate to think of him like that.  "Yeah, I'm good." I say, taking his hand.  Bakugo helps me up, and I smile.  Most people don't see kind side of the Prince of U.A, but I do as his only childhood friend.  At least I see his kind side the most.  He still has his temper.

           Bakugo looks at his feet, then takes a deep breath.  "Look, Uraraka, I know this marriage isn't what we want, but maybe we can learn to deal with it.  For the Kingdom of U.A, and our father." he adds.  What?!   Did he just say that?  I know he can be oblivious, but he's acting like it won't  effect us in any way.  I stare at Bakugo, who has looked a little red faced the whole time.  Strange considering his usual cool persona.  "Are you serious?!"  I say.  I can't hold in my anger anymore.  At him, Father, the world!  "Maybe your father and mine didn't explain it the same!" I snap.  Bakugo looks at me confused, so I take it that I'm right.  "What my  father said, 'You will marry the Katsuki boy, sleep with him, and bare him children.' Then he just walked away like he wasn't gonna slap me if I don't!"  I realize what I said and almost start to cry.  Now Father is going to hurt me.  Kowareta thinks.

           Bakugo is just shocked.  I was to, I shouldn't have been though.  Father is crazy, he'll do anything for money or power.  That's why Mother left us.  "No Father left that part out."  he admits.  "No really?!!"  I say tearing my hand away.  "I'm not going to 'deal with it' Bakugo. I can't be caged my entire life!"  He grabs my hand.  "Lemme go!" I say tears running down my face.  I need to run away, to escape this horrible life.  Then... Bakugo pulls me into his chest.  Its... so warm~...  I feel tears run down my face as he lifts my chin.  "I'm  really sorry Uraraka.  But I promise, I will learn to make you happy. We will find a way, okay?"  Bakugo says, wiping away a tear.  He said we?  I didn't know Bakugo could be so sweet.  It melts my heart, maybe this marriage won't be so bad.  I nod and with that, I black out in my best friend's arms.  

          When I wake up, I find myself in bed.  Wait what?!!  I look around.  Whew, it's my room.  On a nightstand lies a folded piece of paper.  I read it.  "Uraraka, your injuries from the forest."   Crap, I'm busted.  Wait... how did he find the anyway, they were on my legs?  You know what never mind, I'll ask him later.  I keep reading.  "I won't tell if you don't.  ~Bakugo."  Thank God.  "P.S, if you need to talk I'm here to listen."  I smile, putting the note down.  Most girls would swoon, Oh my God a note form Lord Bakugo ahhhhhhhh!   Not me though.  Okay, maybe a little, Bakugo is cute... Ew no!  That's my childhood friend!  I can't talk to Bakugo about this, it's embarrassing.  I need a girl to talk to.  First my mind shifts to Momo san, a daughter of Lord Yaoyorozu, but she would just try to get me to cope.  I will not cope!  Then I think of my Royal Army trainee friends.  Perfect, I'll meet her tonight.  I hope she can help me.

Bakugo's POV

         "Learn to deal with it"?  Great Katsuki, wait to make her cry.   I think.  At least I got her to calm down afterwards.  And you got her to cry on you.  says a voice in the back of my head.  Can it.  I think.  Not something I should be worrying about right now, but the memory is bittersweet.  What I should worry about was what she meant by "...he just walked away like he wasn't gonna slap me if I don't!"  Lord Uraraka wouldn't actually hurt her..  Probably just meant loss of privileges.  No way he's worse than my old man.  Now I'm talking.. er, thinking to myself.  Greater!

         As usual, my mind drifts to Uraraka.  What can I do to make her happy?  Who would know how to get a girl you love and are marrying to love you back?  Pretty much no one, it's never happened before.  Most people just do what I said, and deal with it.  Uraraka won't though, and boy do I know it.  Todoroki has his fiancé, but they already had a thing before they were betrothed.  Kaminari can barely hold onto Jiro, his girlfriend who's apart of the Royal Army trainees, so he's out of the question (let's not go into why.)  I heard Iida likes a commoner girl, but besides that, he's got no experience.  

          Kirishima!  I think.  My old training partener, and friend who is also part of the Royal Army trainee's.  He has a girlfriend, a cute on at that.  I'll talk to him.  Maybe he'll know what I should do.  

Midoriya's POV

        I kept on training.  To see her again, I will keep going.  Forget about Bakugo, I think.  I'm gonna find that nice person.  I think I like her.  That's stupid Izuku, I think.  You don't even know her name.  But I want to learn.  I argue.  Welcome to Crazy Town, may I take your order?  I keep muttering to myself all through breakfast.  Mom bites her lip.  "Izuku, are you okay? You're talking awfully fast."  I look up.  So she noticed.  "Sorry, I'm fine.  I just need to get the form..."  I get up and right when I reach the door she stops me.  "Form?"  Mom says raising an eyebrow.  I sigh.  No backing down now.  I have to tell her at one point.  "For the Royal Army Mom.  I'm applying as a trainee to follow my dream."  Mom smiles.  "You've always been so determined Izuku. If this is really what you want, I will support you."  "Thanks Mom." I say.

      I walk through town till I find the sign up sheets posted on a wall at the end of town.  I read the application form several times over.  Then I fill it out:

                                              Royal Army Trainee Sign Up Sheet 

Last name, First name:  Midoriya, Izuku

Sword name (optional): All Mighty

Date of birth: July 15, 2002 (because Deku is 16 this year!)

              I place the sheet of paper in the folder next to the sign up sheets.  This is it.  I think.  Tomorrow, I will get a letter saying if I am permitted to go to the Entrance Exam.  When I pass I can find her.  For Bakugo and her, I'm not throwing away my shot!  (Get the Hamilton reference?)  I go over all my knowledge of the Exam.  The people who take the tests are usually descendants of knights, court officials, and the King.  They retake the test every year, but when a commoner choses to apply they wait until the year they turn sixteen.  So does the King's children.  The test consists of a fighting simulation, and a Practical Exam, which will be easy.  I'm ready, and I just can't wait!

That's all.  More coming soon!  Remember to vote and comment what you think.  Stay imperfect!  Ciao!

Unroyal Betrothal MHA/BNH A.U [Midoriya x Uraraka x Bakugo]Where stories live. Discover now