Two In One

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Just as a heads up, every chapter I write, I'm improvising, bc I actually didn't plan out this book, so let's just hope shit goes well.

(Nagisas pov)

As foreseen, the guy who originally kidnapped me, was back.

And man did he have plans for me.

It was dark...well it always is dark down here, but it felt especially dark right now.

I could hear the floorboards Creek. I sat nervously, waiting for him to be in front of me.

Suddenly, the room lit up, giving my eyes quite the shock. It took them a while to adjust to the light, before I saw the masked man before me.

Suddenly my arms were grabbed by cold hands, squeezing and squeezing, until I let out a painful shriek in discomfort.

All I heard was a chuckle, before I saw him stand up, and walk to the corner of the basement.

He then lay a bag on the floor, carefully opening it and laying logs on the ground.

He whipped out a small match box lighting the logs, all while chuckling to himself.

Is he going to burn me alive? !?!

My breath began to quicken at the sight of fire. The air becoming heavy within the smoke. I felt as if I was suffocating.

And despite the thick smoke hindering my vision, I still managed to watch as he walked over with a red hot metal object.

It wasn't until it touched my skin, that I realised it was a hot poker.

It burned into my skin, causing my body to jolt in pain, causing my throat to become dry as I screamed. I could feel my skin melting and molding into the shape of the poker. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, soon falling down my face.

And he left me like that. My stomach imprinted with a burnt on shape. My tears staining my cheeks, and the pain seeping out of my body. Until I fell unconcious.

Ima say about an hour later

(Karmas pov)

I had checked on Nagisa, he's in a rough state, passed out infact. It hurts so much to see him that way, tears streaming down his face even when asleep.

But now wasn't the time to worry about that...right now...Their is a bigger problem.

"Oooohh Karma~~ Sweetie open the door~" The raspy and obnoxious voice sang from behind the front door.

I slowly walked over and opened it, Asano walking in.

(Okay, so if u don't like karma x Asano, I don't really like it either, but don't worry bc...well you will see)

After entering, he slammed the door, grabbing my collar, and forcing a kiss onto my lips.

"W-wait--" I yelped, yanking away from him.

His eyes lit a fire, as he suddenly pushed me against the wall angrily.

"SHUT UP! I'LL DO WHAT I PLEASE!" He once again began forcefully kissing my lips, whilst pulling my hair so much that it hurt.

I yelped in pain, as he used it as a way to slip his tounge in.

It's scary when this happens...Everytime he comes over...He doesn't just come over to hang out or talk...He just comes over for one thing.

And it just makes me ask myself...How did I get into this mess in the first place.

Well, you're ask bout to find out.


"Ah~ Hah~"

"Fuck you're hot"

"S-stop! SOMEONE HEL-"

"Shut up you whiny shit! It's alot easier for both of us if you just enjoy this."

"H-help...Ah~... S-someone..."

"Stop whimpering, nobody's gonna come to you're rescue! Nobody ever will!"

Back to present

I do remeber the first time he...but...I don't remember how we got to that point...

But for some reason...Even after 4 years...He still thinks it's alright to show up and do this...

The other me...doesn't care about what happens to the body...infact he doesn't care what pain I go through...He only cares if it affects him...

Suddenly I heard a loud bang, it was the only thing that stopped Asano from going any further.

"The fuck?! You got someone here or something?!" He cursed loudly, before pushing me to the ground.

He then began to walk in the direction of the previous sound.


I leaped up out of worry, and dashed over to Asano, quickly wrapping my arms around him.


"N-no body's here...I promise..." I said quietly, fear filling my entire body, worrying that he wouldn't belive me.

"You sure about that? Or this just your way of telling me you want my dick?"

No...Anything but that...anything but letting him find Nagisa...If he found Nagisa...nothing good would come if he found the cute little boy...He'd...

Sacraficing any dignity and will power I had left...I nodded.

It was then I was thrown into the kitchen table...and I had no choice but to let him have his way with my body.

Anything to protect Nagisa...
I've met someone who makes me feel real, who makes me feel alive...Who makes my heart pound and my cheeks blush...There's no way I'll let anyone other than myself go near him.

I'd rather allow myself to get raped...than allow anything bad happen to him. But in the end, neither of thoose things are under my control.

Only he can control what happens next.

Such an improvised chapter. Incase you got confused, Nagisa got burnt with a hot poker, and Karma got raped. Wow I'm a happy person. Idk improvising isn't my strong suit, so im gonna try and think before I write the next chapter. Bai

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