Wich me do you like?

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(Nagisas pov)

Scars now cover my body, I find it hard to belive I've been here for around about a month now.

It went from simply feeding me, or leaving me in a heated state, to torturing me until I passed out from pain.

Talk about 0-100.

I haven't seen Karma since...well the first time we met...or maybe the second? It still all confuses me. Lingers in my brain like an exam question.

'His names karma aswell.'
'He has all the control, not me'

The way he talks and acts, there's no way he's the guy who comes down here and stains my body with hideous wounds.

And then as if he realised I was thinking about him.

In walks a familiar red head, untieing me from the chair.

"K-karma! Hi-" My voice paused at the look of despair on his face. "K-karma?..."

"How the hell d'you know my name runt?" His voice was deep and raspy, scary. His eyes dull and blank, intimidating me to the point I was shaking.

Who...is this?

As soon as I was untied, he roughly grabbed my arm, and began dragging me up the basement stairs.

My body felt cold being dragged across the cold floor, the wood threatening to give me splinters.

He through me into a room, I could only presume was a kitchen.

"Cook!" He demanded of me, slumping down on a wooden chair, the cushion ripped of.


"Don't tell me you can't cook!? Who am I kidding, you're in no position to rebel. Get cooking before I cut all your hair of. What are you anyway?"

"..." I remained silent, not understanding what sounded like a retorical question.


My heart beat increased rapidly at the yelling in a way I didn't quite understand.
"I...I'm a boy..."

"GIVE HIM A FUCKING MEDAL! HE CAN ACTUALLY TALK!" His loud voice, raspy and deep yelled. "NOW COOK ME SOME FOOD IDIOT!" I saw a small butter knife fly past my face, landing in a sink full of dirty dishes.

And yet without fail, I began to make the food. All while he stared at me, closely watching my every move.

Once I put the food in the oven for heating, I turned around, and avoided making eye contact with the dull yellow.

"Well done! Your not useless after all. Don't worry kid." He stood up and began making his way over to me. "This isn't gonna become a thing, I'm not going to make you cook me food everyday. Someone failed to make my food today, so I figured I'd use you instead." His hands touched my face, forcefully lifting it, meeting his eyes with mine.

"But knowing humans as I do, you want a reward for your efforts right?"  His smirk grew wide, as he leant down to my collar bone.

I felt sharp teeth dig into my skin, and a wet tounge lick over the bite.


It was painful yet pleasuring, causing my entire body to shake slightly, as my heart rate increased again.

"See, now you've gotten a little reward." He backed away from me, a smirk still plastered on his lips, and his licked them.

I must've had some what of a Dissapointed face, because his next words shocked me.

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now