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Second thing.
I uh...So you guys are always commenting on cliffhangers like "omg, I wonder what's gonna happen next."
Yeah well, me too! Because I don't plan shit, I just write and hope for the best.'re as suprised as me.


(Karmas pov)

I was gripping Nagisas Wrists tightly, anguish in my eyes.

My grip suddenly loosened as I heard a voice that somewhat sent shivers down my spine.

"Well, well, well, What's going on here sweetie?"

I looked up at the person, his poison eyes threatening to kill me.

"A-asano!! O-oh, W-why are you back?" I said hurriedly, trying to cover the current situation.

"Shut up." He pulled his leg back slightly, before sending his foot to my gut, sending me onto my back, clenching around my waist.
"Who's this chick you're with? And why is she so god damn ugly?"

"U-uh? Excuse me? I'm not a girl."
And que Nagisa being a sassy bitch to Asano.

"Oh? So I can kick your pretty little face in then?"

"The fuck?! You just came in here, kicked Karma in the fucking gut, called me ugly, and now you're calling me pretty?! Honestly, how fucking dumb-"

"NAGISA! SHUT UP!" I yelled through the horrible pain I was feeling, making my voice as serious as humanly possible at this point.

Thankfully he didn't say anything else, just sat there sulking.

I managed to get my strength back, sitting back in my usual slouch.

"I-i uh..."

"I mean I saw this coming. The way you've been acting lately, it's like..."
He leant down, brushing his fingers against my chin. "Like you would prefer someone else going balls deep in you."

I could hear the anger and annoyance in his voice, making me even more fearful.

"T-thats not..." I inhaled shakily. "That's not true...I-..."

"Go on." He wrapped his hand around my neck, digging his fingers into my skin.

"I- I only- Ack!" I coughed as the grip became stronger. "I-i o-only want--A-asano--"

"Good." He threw me down by my neck, the pain surging throughout my body.

"As for you-- maybe I should use you to teach Karma here a lesson."

(Nagisas pov)

He turned toward me, reaching for my face.

I clenched my eyes, gritting my teeth, fear engulfing me.

I was expecting the hand to touch and burn my skin (metaphorically) but it never came.

As I un-clenched my eyes, I was caught of guard, shocked.

Karma had rammed his lips into Asanos, roughly making out with him.

My body sprung backwards, my heart suddenly aching at what I was watching.

I don't want to see this! Something about watching this, is pissing me of more than anything ever has before.

As I was about to act on my heartache, Asano jolted back, wrapping his hands around his own throat, blood and saliva escaping each cough.

"W-WHAT THE!?" I quickly turned to Karma, the sinister grin, covered in blood, lay upon his face.

"W-what did you?"

He sloppily whipped his jaw, turning to me with a smirk.
"I only bit his fucking tounge. What an ass hat."

Is it just me, or are they switching back and fourth alot.

"Either way, this dick - stick reaks of alcohol, best to bring him inside..." Karma stood, stretching his legs, before throwing Asano over his shoulder.

"What're you gonna do when he wakes up?"

"Hmm. Who knows. Depends who I am when he wakes up."

As he began walking inside, I glanced up once more at the morbid sky.

If I could talk to my child self, what would I say?

Would I tell him not to play out in the middle of the road that day?

Would I force his hand down the day the new kid arrived?

Would I convince him to focus in school, and ignore the red head next to him?

No...I wouldn't trade this for the world.

This feeling...

"Nagisa! Come on! The cold is getting in!"

Oh that's right.

Thoose rays of sunshine once gleaming, have melted away into the freezing air...


I turned, closing the door behind me.

As I walked past the living room, I noticed the pills still scattered across the floor.

I walked over, picking up the bottle, dropping each pill in one by one.

As I pinched the last one, I couldn't help but just stare at it.

The red and purple pill, small, yet so intimidating.


Known to be a dangerous, spooky colour.

So deadly, yet drawing me in closer at each glance.

I placed the pill on my tounge, grabbing the half empty glass of water on the table.

I swallowed the pill, gulping down the water.

Not knowing what the pill does just makes the experience seem like a thrill.

There's that feeling again.

That feeling of heartache remembering Karmas words and actions.

'I-i only want Asano."

I cherrish this pain.

My heart feeling swollen.

Like it's being ripped from my chest.


Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now