You're Red. And I'm Blue.

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Um, this chapter is gonna be like-- how do I explain???
I wanna be a paladin again...sigh

Okay, enjoy. Because this is gonna be a nice chapter.

(Nagisas pov)

We got to the pathway that led to the hill, following the torn out stones and rubble.

"Ah~ this brings back memories." He audibly took in a breath.


My heart was still thumping from earliar, loud and fast. It was uncontrollable at this point.

Karma had stuffed pillows and blankets into a big blue camping bag, and had used at least 7 zip ties, and rubber bands to keep it all from bursting out.

He was so excited.

His orange orb eyes, glistening like a youthful child. His pale skin reflecting the dim light of the late sun.

I zoned out just starring at the rocks, kicking each loose pebble in my way.

"Ah shit."

With that I came back to reality.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Looks like we can't go up any further. Sign says so."

I looked at the sign.

'No entry from the public.'

Karma frowned kicking the dirt.

"H-hey I'm sure it's fine. It's not like we are going to live up there- it's just one night."

"Mm...I guess you're right. God, when did you become such a bad boy Nagi?" He smirked.

I scoffed in perhaps a rather over reactive way.

He chuckled a little.
We continued walking, passing the sign as the top drew near. The sun was setting at this point, and the sky was a lovely Lilac purple.

"And here we are~ that took way to long. I swear that root was shorter when we where kids."

When we where kids...


'Huh? Who's there??"
There was a noise coming from the bush.
'It's just me Nagisa." Karma skipped over.
We sat there, like the little kids we were, just watching that beautiful red orb, rest in the sky.
'It's really pretty..'

(Back to present)

"Nagi! Hello, earth to Nagisa! You don't expect me to set this up all on my own do ya?" He threw a pillow at me.

I just barely caught it, dropping it on to the two blankets. "Sorry."

We the threw the remaing pillows onto the blankets, before finally deeming it complete.It was getting darker and darker each moment, yet the moon was still faint, almost invisible.

"Hmm... Somethings missing." He stood in thought, until finally jumping up. He quickly reached into the bag, yanking something out, and running of into the woods. 

I sat on the blankets, immediately pulling a pillow to my chest.

"I need to calm down... We're just hanging out like friends do..."

Then why is your heart pounding so fast?

My thought was interupted by a bright light illuminatind the darkness engulfing me.

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