Who am I?

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I totally forgot I was Writting a story. '-'
I got distracted by the new issue of love sick, and voltron season 7 (comes put August 10th)

(Nagisas pov)

Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you feel so vulnerable. It opens your chest, and it opens your heart. It takes you as a hostage and gets through your walls, it hurts; not just in imagination, not just in mind...its a soul hurt...

I looked back at the still asleep Karma.

I hate love...

The breeze was soft this morning, my back still aching from last night's...activities...

But if anything came from last night...It was that...

I might've realised something I was in denial about...

I might actually like him...

No likes not the word...

Love...sounds about right.

I can't think of any other explanation for why my heart feels the way it does. For why my mind is constantly worrying about him...

I lay back on the pillows, looking over at his pale face.

His face; so at peace, so innocent, at least when he's sleeping.
I giggled a little.

"Karma...wake up" I poked his cheek.
"K-arumaaa~~" I continued poking his cheek.

"N-agisaaa~" He replied not even opening his eyes.

"So you are awake?"

"Fucking barley...I'm comphy right here." He patted his hand on the pillow.

"Well, we need to start getting back to your place. We can't just spend our time out here." I grabbed his arm, pulling him up. Or trying at least. "Heavy!!!"

"Staaap. My head feels like shit. I've got a bitching headache."

Ah, it's the other one. (Karma 2)

"Well, once we get back then I can get you some medicine or something, come on!!" I pulled on both his arms, as he just rolled ontop of me.
He lay his head on my chest, still pretending to be asleep.

My face turned red.
"C-come on...W-we need to get back..."

"Your hearts beating really fast. I can hear it." He giggled a little, laying his head directly over my heart.

"N-no, it's not!" I pushed him of, siting up immediatly.

"Whhhaaatteverrr~ let's get home. I'm fucking tiered still, but you're being annoying as fuck, so I guess I'll have to listen."

I smirked a little. "Are you sure it's not because I'm super cuteeee~?" I leaned a little, smirking.

He turned his head and kept a straight face.
"That too." He leant forward a little, pecking my noes. "Now help me put all this in the bag.


Yeah... its definitely love

But I do find it a little strange...

He switched personalitys just before I went to sleep, so why did he wake up as the same one?...

I guess that's not how it works.

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now