So this is it.

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The end is drawing near my friends

(Karma 1s POV)

I suddenly sprung awake, Immediatly clutching the bed sheets.
My breathe was heavy, my skin crawling.

I looked down at the bluenette laying on my chest.
"NAGISA!! GET UP! GET UP!!" I yelled ferociously, pushing his head off, hurrying to the corner of the bed.

"K-karma?" He yawned wiping the sleep from his eyes. "W-whats wrong?" He looked up, a tinge of concern on his face.



"Y-Y-YOU NEED TO LEAVE T-T-HIS PLACE! RIGHT NOW!" I wrapped my arms around my shivering body, the sweat dripping down my cheek.

"W-wha? W-why?!"

"Y-y-y-you're n-n-n-not safe staying here!!!"

He hurried over to me, my body far to weak to push him back. He cupped my hands, sending goosebumps to my shoulders.
"I'm not leaving you, you're okay. I won't let him hurt you." He smiled gently.

I shook my head quickly, my blinking becoming heavy.
"N-N-No, Y-Y-YOU N-N-NEED TO GO! GET AS FAR AWAY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!" I pulled my arms back to my side, balling my fists.



"I DON'T CARE!! YOU'RE MORE IMPORTANT" He grabbed my hands once again, tightening his grip.

Y-you're wrong...

"Listen... I've got nothing left out there... My family don't care... I don't have any friends... You're the only person who cares about me... So I'm not leaving..." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me down to his chest. "I'm staying here...With you..." He calmly whispered, stroking fingers through my hair. The sound of his soft slow heart beat, attempting to calm my own down.
But it's no use. My hearts racing. Not from the close proximity, but the desire for him to leave.

He just won't listen... I don't want him hurt...I'd sooner die myself...

I'm just an extra one... My exsistance is completely useless...

I should've let him go that day...
The first day I found him in the basement...
I shouldn't have taken him back down there...

So many opportunities...missed...

His life could've been so much better have I never been created...

"I wish my parents had killed me..." With thoose words he stopped comforting me, and pulled me up.
Before my eyes could even focus, he raised his hand, slapping me round the face.

The slap was such a suprise that I fell back a little bit.
He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me up to face him.
"SHUT UP!!!" His tears dropped onto my face, falling down my cheek. "TAKE BACK WHAT YOU JUST SAID!!! TAKE IT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!" He yelled angrily, his teeth clenched, his eyes brown narrow.

I've never seen him so angry...Not even as kids has he shown this face of...loathing...

He loathes me...
Obvcourse he does... I trashed his whole life...I ruined everything he ever could've hoped for...
He has every single right to hate me... I can't think of a single reason he would ever like me...
To think I could be forgiven for all theese mistakes...
Just for thinking that possible I deserve to die...

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now