Did you write a letter to?

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Wanna know a fun fact about me?
I can read Japanese Kanji 😂 Okay that's all.

The actual sentence in the picture ^ is important. Take it as foreshadowing. The 'two of you' should be heavily focused on.

(Karmas pov)

What happened?

I had been awake for a while, and had soon realised I was in the comfort of my own bed.

My body was shaking, my tears now dry upon my cheeks.

I wasn't sure if I was happy, or fearful.

...I...Killed him...

I finally came out from under the covers, soon spotting a small piece of paper tucked into my fist.

I unfolded it, reading.

"Don't feel bad about it you idiot. He deserved it. -Karma"

I scrunched the paper in my fist, the anger pumping through my veins.

"I'm not starting the god damn letters again!!" I yelled throwing it halfway across the room.

My head was banging, my limbs aching.

It took some effort, but I made my way out of bed, still questioning my pain, and the whereabouts of Nagisa.

I made my way out the door, leaning on the wall for support.

Everything was hazzy, the colours all merging into eachother.
My breathing was becoming heavy, and hard to control.

I noticed a door open. A door that wasn't suppose to be opened.

I waddled over to it quickly, pushing the door fully open.

Nagisa sat there, letters all around him, his head in his hands.

I looked at the room, all the red and white seeming like blurrs to my vision.

I hate this room.

He had his head in his hands, his sobs loud enough to hear.

"Nagisa..." I said hazzily, Scooting across the wall toward him.

I worked my way onto the floor, pulling him into my arms, as his soft sobs got quieter.

"...It's my fault..." He whispered, gripping my skin. "This is all my fault...Everything since that day has been..."

"No, it's not your fault...It will never be your fault..."

He looked up at me, his cheeks red, tear stains down his face.

"You've been cramped up in this house for so long, how about we go out today?"

He broke eye contact with me, roughly wipping his cheeks with his sleeve.
"G-go out?"

"Yeah. Like shopping to buy you some clothes so your not wearing the same clothes everyday." I smiled down to him.

"Well...I wouldn't mind that...B-but I-"

"Don't worry. I have money."

"I...I don't need you to buy me anything...B-but fine..." He said grumpily, a tint blush dusting his cheeks.

I locked the room behind me, my head still feeling a little dizzy.

I changed, also giving Nagisa a fresh set.

I wore normal black jeans, red flannel, and a black shirt underneath.

Nagisa wore a blue tank top, with a white jacket, and shorts.

The shorts might aswell have been jeans on him.

"Ready to embark on our Date Nagi?"

"DATE?!" He scoffed, his cheeks a noticeable red. "And...Who are you calling Nagi..."

"It's a cute little nickname I came up with for you! My little Nagi. You don't like it?"

"...No I-...Fine! I guess you can call me that...I don't care..."

I snickered a little, locking the door behind me.


(Nagisas pov)

I can't belive this is happening.

We're out in public. It's been so long since I've been out of that place...

"I guess we should get food right?"

"U-uh yeah..." I mumbled.

"Okay, wait here, I'll go get a sandwich from that store."

"Just wait here? On my own?"

"Um, Yeah...? Can you do that?"

"...S-sure...I guess"

"Okay Nagi!" He smiled, running into the store.

On my own? Doesn't he just realize I could stand up...and just walk away...

I gripped tightly to my arms, diging my nails into my skin.

Just waiting...I could just...leave ..

"Nagi!! I got your favourite Ham and- Nagi...?"

"O-oh...You're back." I smiled, as he handed me the sandwich. He smile dropped into a frown.

"Yeah...You okay?"

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be. Ham and cheese...Ha...my faviroute..."

"Yeah...I remembered you use to like it when we were kids."


My eyes kept glancing to his face, the single thought echoing throughout my mind.

I can't leave. ..its not my choice anymore...



'Karma, it's okay...I didn't know...you had every right to kill him...'

He sat up, whipping his face in anger.

'Why the Fuck am I crying?!' He then asked angrily.

Sometimes I forget about that...ya know...The duel personalitys and all...Because to me he's just a person...

He looked at the dead body, sighing, before turning back to me.

'Don't hate me...okay?' He grunted, before standing up,and starting to walk upstairs.


'Don't hate me...For what I did...I really do love you...'


'I'm gonna clean up this mess...'

He waked back upstairs.

(Back to present)

That's why I can't leave.

Karma...I think...

I love you too...

Omg, sorry about the long wait. Season 6 of voltron came out, and it was super angsty. Like fucking 'I died keith' angsty, with lile flashbacks and shit. Now they're going back to earth for season 7, and I cried for days.

ANYWAY, SORRY THIS CHAPTER SUCKS!!! They're shopping and it will be continued.

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now