Out Of Control

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(Karma 1s pov)

I could feel my entire body shaking, as my eyes slowly re focused, settling their sights on the floor.

(Damn. That was a really well constructed sentence. Like that's the chapter. That's the whole book. Done, hope you enjoyed.)

My arms felt stiff at my side, aching at the joints.
I lifted them slightly, stretching them out infront of me as best I could.

My eyes were suddenly met with a crimson thick liquid, smothering my palms.

Amongst all the shakes and sweat I started to notice more and more tracing up my arm, even so far as to my neck.

I felt a thump in my throat, the smell of sweat and blood covering my body.
My body began to shake once again, my eyes fizzing in and put as I threw my body across the room.
"W-w-w-what d-d-d-d-d-" My words stuttered out, my mouth and brain both unable to complete them.

I started looking around the small room as best I could, my arms and legs feeling heavier than lead.

"W-W-WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME DO!?!?" I managed to scream out, hearing my voice echo throughout the empty house.

I pushed my hands away from my body, resting them on the floor.
Short blue hairs scattered all around me, even on my pants.

"Y-y-you hurt him!!!!" I yelled once again, forgetting that the person I'm yelling at...is me.

To the best of my abilities, I found my feet, my now focused eyes locking contact with the kitchen door.

I could feel the movement of my bones, knawing against one another, as the door swung open.

A pale face lay on the table, his eye lids closed like sheilds. Blood trailed around his body, but no cuts peirced his skin. He was not injured, my palm running through his now short, un even hair. His breathing was normal his state barley touched.

Those blue eyes were then starring into mine, anything far from pitiful. Those now dull blue eyes, like a puppet whos strings were tightened.

"Nagisa..." My voice tipped, his breathing the only thing audiable in response.

"You look so beautiful like this, sprawled out, paralysed. Decorated with my colour crimson, claming yourself mine." The words slipped from my mouth, running out like warm honey.

Upon his face lay no reaction, no twitch, no glisten to light his faded gaze.  My hands stroked the dry jaw line, his pulse slow, and worrying.
"You're still alive" I whispered as a testament to not disturb his perhaps heightened mental instability.
"Can you move?" I gently squeezed his shoulder, his arms feeling just as limp and shaken as his breath.

Slowly I lifted his body, as his head slumped onto my chest.
"You're okay? Right? You just need sleep? Your hair is a mess, we'll get that fixed." I let out a deep sigh. "I put in so much of myself, and yet that small heart of yours still won't except me."
I lifted his body, carrying him as my arms shook uncontrollably, my jaw chattering.
His body fell limp into the chair, my hand the only support for his neck.
I reached for the scissors, my hands rattled against the metal.
"We'll make it nice and even" my voice pitch varied dependent on letters.

I reached for a silk of hair, bringing the scissors to the edge, snipping. "Will admit, this is my first time cutting someone else's hair. Do I get a tip?" I giggled slightly, brushing through as loose strands fell to my feet.
"You're covered in blood, I told you, keeping clean is important. I bought you new clothes remember?"
I touched his limp, pulsing arm. "Are you cold?" I asked, resting my hand on his head, moving it in a nodding motion. "Ah well, I can fix that!" I removed my hand, his head falling. If it weren't for My catching it, his neck would've most likely snapped.

"What colour are we feeling? Blues your colour right?" I held the shirt against his perched body. "Hmm, Red looks better on you Nagi." I smiled, pulling off his previously disgusted clothing and replacing it. "All nice and new"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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