In another life

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Yeah, yeah, I've been gone for longer than a week, but season 7 was hard for me. Although my multi shipper ass had the time of my life. But this is a karmagisa story, not an Allurance or Klance story.

(Nagisas pov)

To think he still hasn't opened the door.
I've been out here for a while...when the gates right there.
I'm not capable of loving him the same way...
So maybe I should try...
I should leave...

I stood up, taking each step like I was wearing led shoes.

I don't dare look back, forcing my chin up to the escape from this nightmare.

The gate drew closer and closer, my feet becoming heavier with each small step.
It was almost like I was walking to my end, my demise, slowly, shakily.

Leaving his madness, having a new life, recovery... Forgetting, hiding.

My body came to a stop, my heart sinking deep into my chest.

I'm no better than him. Running away from all my problems... Taking the easy way out...

I guess... I can stay a little longer.

My body seemed to act on that thought, turning my back on the gate, and trudging back toward the door.

I was done fighting, done trying to convince him to open the door, done trying to bargin'.

I knocked once, letting my voice quietly rise.
"Hey Karma... I don't want to leave... No matter how much I try, my desired path derails and leads me to you like an endless loop. I know how much you care about me.." I took a small breath. "So you're either going to have to let me in...or I'll die out here..."

My talk was met with silence, my body slowly falling onto the ground.

It took so long until I heard a single click from the door.

And then another.

The door handle slowly turning, before opening.

"I just..." I heard a quiet, raspy voice whisper. "I don't want this for you..."

I stood up, slowly pushing the door open, entering the home once again.
"Well, I'm afraid to say that you don't make up my fate..."

(Karma 1s POV)

It's horrifying. How weak I feel in his presence...

Out of all people, I didn't want him seeing me in this state.

I'm hardy in control of my actions, my eyes are focusing and unfocusing, I'm slowly falling in and out of conciousness...Sweat dripping down my face, my body uncontrollably shaking.

"You don't look so good..." He chuckled a little as a way to lighten the mood. "Is there anything I can do to help?" He rested his hand on my shoulder, starring into my eyes.

His ocean blue eyes...So bright, so vibrant and calming.

I shook my head to his previously asked question, slowly pulling my body away.
"Look." He grunted. "I get you're hurting, but you've got to let me help. I don't give a fuck about your manly pride, or whatever you're pulling."
He grabbed both of my shaking hands, holding them in his. "Just because you're suffering now, doesn't mean I'm going to see you as weak once you're better."


"I know that's what you're afraid of... Vulnerability, weakness, you don't want me to see you struggling. But, you're going to have to...okay?" He curved his lips into a smile.

Such a sweet and kind smile. Such a helping smile.
Such a smile to make my heart race out of feeling, not just hurt.


"Breathe." He whispered, squeezing my hands tighter.

I took in a deep breath, trying to gather my scattered thoughts.
"H-he d-doesn't need M-me any-m-more" I took in another. "T-the p-p-pills..." I felt my body shudder. "H-h-h-he...T-t-took..." My mouth ached, my sentences loosing their meaning again. "T-t-t-t-them-"

"Shshh. You're doing well, alright? Where does he keep the pills?"



"T-the p-p-pills... A-are in the d-draw..."

"Wich draw?"

"L-l-l-lighting m-m-mcqueen..."
My eyes were hurting from looking at that vibrant blue to long...

"Okay. Do you think...Can you stay here until I get back...I'm going to go get the pills, okay? So just breathe and stay calm."

I nodded, sitting on the wooden steps.

(Nagisas pov)

Trying my best to stay optomistic about the situation, to stay positive that I can fix him. He needs a mechanic, someone who's sole purpose in life is to repair every broken part of him.

I know for a fact that I'm not his mechanic, I'm not the person meant to fix him.

I got to the room, opening the door to the dusty Lightning Mcqueen themed room.

Pulling out each draw, frantically, tipping the contents onto the floor.
Ruffling through books, comics, toys, magazines.

Letters, envolopes, and a colourful piece of folder paper.

It intrigued me, as I picked it up, unfolding the contents.

It was a picture obviously drawn by a child. Anyone would recognize the bright red and blue hair.

I smiled cheerfully.
"It's us..."
A small slip of lined paper fell out, drifting onto my knee.
'Karma!! Look what I drew!! It's me, you, and Nagisa. This is the future! I'm telling you!! I'm a fortune teller!'

"He wanted to...marry me...?" I whispered, slowly putting the letter down.

I kept tipping draws, searching through each pile for pills.

Until eventually I found them.
Small purple pills, in an orange bottle. The prescription bottle reading 'Karma.L.Akabane'


At the door he stood, anger painted across his face, bloodlust burning brightly in his eyes.

Karma 2...
This is dangerous.

"I uh...I was wondering if we could talk...about What're you're doing...To him..."


I audiably gulped, clenching my fists, slowly getting onto my feet.
"I want to help okay?"
I stepped closer, trying to calm him down with a quiet voice.
"I'm not trying to hurt him, or you. I'm helping."

I got close enough that I could reach out and grab him, but still best not to.

And even if I had- the turnout would still be the same.

My eyes quickly faded to black at his movements, my body falling limp.

K bye. Also of anyone wants to talk about season 7, message me!!

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