Deep Shit

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(Karmas pov)

"Class, this is our new student Akabane."

"U-uhm...C-could I got by my first name...?"

"Oh? Yes Obvcourse! Okay, who wants to volunteer to be Karma-kuns buddy for the day?"


"Ah, Nagisa-kun! Thank you."

A blue haired boy had raised his hand.

"Alright then, Nagisa-kun and Karma-kun are now friends. Go sit next to Nagisa-kun Karma-kun."


"So...Karma-kun, W-what do you like to do?"

"I-i...I like video games..."

"AH! ME TOO!!"

Such a smile should be illegal...

"Why don't we play video games after school?"


"Wow, you've beat me 7 times in a row Karma-kun. YOU'RE JUST THAT GOOD!!!"

He's loud...

"We should hang out more!!"

Loud is okay...

Eventually that energy and optomistic attitude rubbed of on me.

So one day we were just sitting there eating in the school cafeteria.

"Nagisa-kun!!! I FINALLY SAVED UP ENOUGH MONEY!!! We can go see sonic ninja!!"


"W-whats wrong...?"

"I-its...its nothing...just..."

"Hey...Why are you lying to me-"

"Shut up...I said it's nothing..."


(Nagisas pov)

It was something...

"Nagisa? Why are you home so late?"

"...School stuff..."

"OH? Like?"

" I can make you proud..."

"Oh? Or have you been hanging out with that boy again?!"

"N-no...I don't know why it matters..."

"Because, in order for you to get into a good high school, then college, and get hired by a big company, you can't afford friends, or distractions. All you need to focus on is studying, and keeping your grades up!"


But I didn't listen...

"Nagisa-kun! Let's go see that movie after school today??"

There's no way I'm letting my one friend...slip away from me...


So we went to the movies.

It's the usual, two 12 year old boys going to see a super hero movie together.

"Woah! Look he's like a ninja! So fast!!"

"Another late night studying Nagisa-kun?"


Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now