The One

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(Karmas Pov)

Shit. I messed up...what now?

"N-nothing. He just doesn't like me that's its only natural he would get mad about me kissing someone." I blushed slightly, letting my fringe cover it.

"O-oh...well I guess you're right about tha-"

A loud rumbling noise filled the room, as my face turned an even deeper shade of red.

I heard a slight snicker, and a taunting tone.
"Someone's hungry. How longs it been since you eaten K-a-r-u-m-a? " He said my name like it was spelt.

"Wow. So you did read the Kanji on the prescription bottle."

"Well obviously. Karuma Akabane...and your middle name starts with an L...." I watched the bluenette stare intently at the ground. "Luciel...?"

"Correct. Lucky guess. And for that you get to make me food." I laughed, pulling myself up.

"I'm not good with cooking."

"I only want cereal. Can you handle that much Shiota?"
Wait...Shiota?! Why did I just call him Shiota...That must be...a memory..clearing up?...
He seemed to not take notice. Almost like calling him by a name he hadn't told me, seemed natural.

He never told me his last name. When I asked for his name, when I braided his hair, when I fed him...He only ever told me 'Nagisa'.

We got into the kitchen, half the cabenets open.
A glass smashed on the ground, water mixed with a red liquid spread across the counter.

"Woah, what happened here? Did you do this?"

I tugged my fingers tight on the end of my sleeves,  gulping at the mess.
"No. It probably happened during one of his episodes...He can be a little reckless. Just leave it."

I saw him glance over the the water, grabbing a piece of tissue, clearing up the red and transparent liquid.

I sat in the ripped chair, the wood hurting my back.

"What cereal?" He opened the cabinet with the cereal jusy by chance.

"You decide. I don't mind."

"Alright." He pulled out Cherrios. , then reached to the fridge for milk.

"What are you doing?" I laughed breathly, as he poured the milk in the bowl ,then the cereal.

"Making cereal."

"Are you a heathen? Who puts the milk in first?"

"1. No, I'm not a heathen. 2. I do and 3. Shut your face hole." He grunted, putting the cereal in front of me.

"Hm. My faviroute. You're quite lucky in guessing today. You got my middle name, my faviroute cereal, what's next? Wanna guess my faviroute colour?"

"" He smirked.

"Now it's just creepy. Is their anything you don't know about me? How long have you been stalking me?" I smirked back.

"It's just a coincidence. Your personality, voice and actions remind me of an old friend I use to have." A faint smile appeared on his face.

(Nagisas pov)

"An old friend? Hm... Tell me about them."

I sighed, grabbing an apple, before sitting down.

"Well...I don't remember much about him in terms of his face, or his looks. Actually I don't really remember him at all. But you're kind of what I would imagine he was like. Minus the whole, MPD thing...except..." I went quiet for a moment. "He did have MPD..."

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now