Not Right...

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If u can see the picture ^
The first person to comment how it resembles basically what's going on in this story, and why, gets an appreciation shout out next chapter, or whenever they guess.


Who's ready for more angsty shit from our two faviroute red and blues??? (No, not keith and lance. I mean Karma and Nagisa)

(Karmas pov)

"No, no, you got the colour scheme wrong. You can't put pink and that together!" I growled slightly, as I began flipping through the clothing rack.

"Oh sorry Mr Fashionista~" Nagisa said sarcasticly.

"Damn right. Now put this on, and you will see!!" I dumped some clothes in his arms, and pushed him back into the changing room.

"Mixing neon Pink and pale blue- tch-- what was he thinking?!" I mumbled to myself, sitting down on one of the leather couches.

This is like a date...right?

I took a few deep breathes as my face sunk into a deep red.
I quickly nodded to myself.
"Mhm- this I a date-"

I saw a small family walk by with a little girl.
She was sitting on her fathers shoulders, as she reached to the top shelf to get a stuffed bear.

Her hands slipped, and she fell backwards.

"AH!-" her scream was cut short.

"Huh?" I caught her in my arms, standing her back on her feet.
"U-uh" she blushed a little, before smiling. "T-thank you mister!"
I smiled back, standing back on my feet.

My eyes met with her fathers as he gave me an equally sweet smile.
"Thank you." He said in a deep voice.

I bowed my head slightly, walking back over to the leather couch.

I shut my eyes, now just waiting for Nagisa to hurry up.

I felt a tug on the bottom of my shirt, opening my eyes once again.

"U-uhm...Mister..." That same little girl from moments ago. "M-my daddy got me chocolate...W-would you like one?" She asked holding a thin piece of chocolate up.

"Thank you." I said as she gave it to me.

Her face immediatly lit up, as she ran back to her father.

Her mother then put the clothes she had chosen over her arm, and they began walking to the cash register.

Once more that little girl ran around the corner, and smiled at me.

"My names Shizuka-chan by the way!!!" She giggled, quickly following her parents.

A cute little family.

"Karma, should I put my hair up or?-"

"Nah, keep it down. Just come on out!! I want to see my handy work." I heard him laugh a little, before the curtain pulled open.

It was a very nice outfit, especially on him.

Light Blue, ripped skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a red flannel tied around the waist accompanied by black sneakers.

"I'm suprised! I actually like this outfit!" He beamed.

"Suprised?! Have you seen me!? I'm the most fashionable person you will ever meet!! Now turn around!"

Two Of A Kind {Karmagisa}Where stories live. Discover now