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Eleanor Rosalie Allen grew up as an outcast in Central City. She was too smart for her own good and didn't like the things that everyone else did. No one besides Eleanor's family cared for her. Too bad that Eleanor had already lost most of her family. Eleanor's mother was murdered before she turned 2, and her father was wrongfully convicted of the murder. Eleanor's life changed even more when STAR Labs built the Particle Accelerator.

Eleanor's brother, Barry Allen, woke up from a nine-month a coma became the Flash. Everyone loved him. But for Eleanor... there is nothing more horrifying than a miracle. Eleanor's even an outcast as a superhero. No one likes Hex, but Eleanor's used to it. After the Particle Accelerator explosion, nothing is ever the same for the Allen Siblings. He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation. He's fast and she's weird.

When Rip Hunter shows up, Eleanor Allen is hesitant to join the other heroes on this journey. Eleanor's priorities lie with her future. Eleanor prefers her knowledge to the life of a hero. But when she does decide to go on the journey, she meets her new family. This one doesn't make her feel like an outcast because it's a family of outcasts.

Eleanor meets Hayden Jordan, her new best friend. Eleanor meets Mick Rory, her new favorite criminal. Eleanor meets Ray Palmer, her new scientist buddy. Eleanor meets Sara Lance, her new interest.

Eleanor also meets the way she's supposed to die.

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