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Voting has officially ended. Allen-Lance won. Thank you all for voting. I should have something very similar up soon for another part of the story. I enjoy letting you guys help me with this.

Please think about giving this chapter a comment or vote.

Also, part of this is from an edit by nocorkingfee from Tumblr. The original edit was with Sara and Ava, but I changed it to Sara and Eleanor. They gave me permission to use it, so if anyone has seen it, just know that I didn't steal it.

If you don't like the whole Marvel refrences inside of my story, there's a reference towards the end about Flash from Spider-Man.


Sara and I watched as the Waverider started to fly up into the air. Sara groaned, "Not again."

We both had to watch as the Waverider flew off. I asked, "Seriously?" I looked at Sara. "Is this what it felt like when we left you guys in 1958?"

Sara nodded "Pretty much."

She turned and started to walk away. I glanced back at her before pointing out, "Ray told me that if I ever got lost that I should just stay in the same place."

Sara looked back at me as she rolled her eyes. Sara denied, "You shouldn't listen to Ray. Eagle Scout knowledge won't get you anywhere in our line of work." She turned and kept going. "You coming?"

I looked back and forth between the spot where the Waverider had been and Sara. I groaned and turned to catch up with Sara. When I reached her side, I questioned, "Where are we going?"

Sara ran a hand through her hair before asking, "You still have that cash?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

Sara nodded and we walked in silence. It was like for a couple of minutes as we made our way back into Star City. Or I guess, Starling City seeing as was just 2011. Sara sighed, "First order of business is for us to get a hotel room."

I questioned, "For how long?"

Sara answered, "As long as we need it."

My phone started to ring. I groaned and pulled it out of my back pocket. I was surprised that Hayden was calling me. I hit the green button and placed the phone against my ear, "Yeah?"

Hayden sighed, "Good, I caught you."

I confirmed, "Yeah, Hayden, you caught me." Sara looked surprised. "Why did you guys leave?"

Hayden informed, "We aren't too sure. Rip's looking into it. We're doing the best we can, but we need you. Gideon got orders from outside the Waverider. Gideon couldn't override them."

I asked, "Any idea on how long Sara and I are going to be here?"

Hayden assured, "We'll come and get you guys in the morning. For now, stay in Star City."

I nodded, "Yeah, of course. Um, what time?"

Hayden suggested, "10 am. I hope."

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