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Allen-Lance is still leading 13-4. Not much time left to vote, so do please vote for which last name you would like Sara and Eleanor to have when they get married. It's either Allen-Lance or Lance-Allen.

Thank you to those who voted and commented on the last chapter. If you guys like this chapter, please think about giving it a vote or comment.


The voices echoed as they screamed in my ears. I tried everything I could think of. I kept my ears covered and I used my powers to push them back, but the voices still roared in my ears. It kept tears in my eyes even if I refused to let them fall. I faintly heard Kendra suggest, "Eleanor could get us out."

Rip denied, "No, she can't. There's a device in that cell built for people like her. For mind readers." That had to be why I had to focus everything on keeping the voices out. "There's a device in that cell. It's rather cruel with the way it works. Thoughts from people in insane asylums are in it. When turned on, all mind readers can focus on is trying to block out the voices."

I groaned, "Who created this?"

Rip informed, "An old Time Master. You designed it."

I muttered, "Of course I did."

Stein questioned, "Did Eleanor just create the Time Council?"

Rip admitted, "No, but her journal is filled with knowledge about time manipulation and how to deal with meta-humans."

I struggled to explain, "Most-Most of those...are from...my childhood. All the-the movies I watched."

Stein suggested, "Well, you're powerful, Eleanor. More powerful than most people have ever seen." I tried to block him out by pressing my hands tighter against my ears. "Even Savage is afraid of you, and you can't even break out of a cell."

I snapped, "You don't have crazy voices yelling in your ears!"

Stein countered, "No, I'm just going to die soon!"

I pointed out, "Your fault! You were the one who sent Jax through time on the Jump Ship! I didn't ask you to do that!" It was getting really hard to talk to him and keep the voices from being too loud. "It's your own damn fault."


The voices stopped crying out in my ears. Slowly, my hands slid down from my ears. I was ready to cover my ears back up in case that the voices started to make a reappearance. They didn't and I let out a breath of relief. I had been using too much of my powers. I was starting to lose consciousness.

A man walked in and recognized him as Druce. Rip had told us a great deal about him. I leaned my head back against a wall as he walked towards Rip. Druce informed, "Your friends have time-jumped away. We've lost them." I smiled at that. It meant that Sara and Hayden were still alive. "And I've lost any reason to keep you alive."

Ray suggested, "Hold on, let's just talk about this for a moment."

A soldier walked in, "Time Master Druce."

Druce ordered, "Kill them all." He pointed at Rip. "Starting with him." His finger moved to point at me. "And then her."

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