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What's up, guys? It's been a while. I wanted to let you know that I am still writing this story. I've just had a massive writer's block. So what I'm going to be doing is going through the chapters and editing them some. Most of it is going to be grammar editing. There shouldn't be any major changes to the story, so if you do not wish to go through and reread the story as I edit, you shouldn't be affected too much.


I walked out of the coffee shop and started to head down the street. It wasn't that far of a walk back to my apartment. Luckily for me, my apartment was above the library and my favorite coffee shop was just down the street. I opened up my messenger bag and started to put my notebook in it. When I looked up, a man stood in front of me with a gun. He motioned for me to move into the alley so I did. I said "Dude, you couldn't have picked a better time. Honestly, you really couldn't have."

The man looked confused but demanded, "Shut up."

He moved towards me, or well tried to. The man looked down to find his feet stuck to the ground by the red wisps that I controlled. The man looked up at me and I used a ball of the red magic to throw him backward. The man hit the wall pretty hard and slumped forward. I pulled my phone out and called Joe. I walked out of the alley as I continued on. Joe asked, "Ellie?"

I said, "Hey, Joe."

Joe asked, "Everything ok?"

I assured "Yeah, everything's fine. You might wanna send some cops out near my apartment. Alley in between the coffee shop and the pizza parlor."

Joe asked, "Why?"

I answered "There's a guy in the alley. He's knocked out, but he tried to rob me or something. Had a gun. It's on him."

Joe said, "I'll get guys right on it."

I said, "Thanks."

Joe hung up and I pocketed my phone. A man walked towards me and he stood out because of his brown trench coat. The man asked, "Eleanor Allen?"

I asked, "Yes, and you are?"

The man assured, "Just need a moment of your time."

He pointed a gun at me and before I could defend myself he had already pulled the trigger. I saw a white light before everything went black.


I groaned as I sat up. A familiar voice moaned, "What a headache!"

Another familiar voice asked, "Stein? What the hell are you doing here?"

Stein snapped, "I'm as ignorant as you, for once."

I looked at Snart and Mick. I asked, "Why the hell am I within 100 yards of you two?"

A voice to my right asked, "Where are we?"

Jax's familiar voice asked, "Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us? British dude with a flashy thing? Ring any bells?"

I took notice of the one person that I didn't know, a girl in a pilot jacket. Someone said, "The name's Rip Hunter." We all looked at the man, it was the one who kidnapped us. "I'm from East London. Oh, and the future."

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