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I woke with a groan. I slowly opened my eyes and the place looks unfamiliar to me. I started to pull the wrist-watch looking thing off me. Gideon warned, "Miss Allen, I do believe you should sit back down. You are not healed yet."

I asked, "Gideon, is anyone on the ship besides me?"

Gideon informed, "Only Captain Hunter."

I pointed out "They're out there, and I"m in here. I should be helping the team."

Gideon explained, "Captain Hunter wants you to get better first. And practice with your powers so that they will be more effective."

I said, "Yeah, I got that."

Gideon continued, "Miss Lance also refuses to let you go out until you're healed. Miss Jordan promised that you weren't going to leave the Medbay without her by your side. Seems that they're already becoming protective of you."

I looked out the window before asking, "Where are we?"

Gideon answered "Norway, 1975."

I asked, "We haven't left the '70s?"

Gideon denied, "Not yet, Miss Allen."

I asked, "Where's the team then?"

Gideon replied, "At an arms deal. Vandal Savage is supposed to be there. The others went in hopes of stopping him."

I said, "Of course he's there."

Gideon added, "Or they wish to capture him."

I turned from the window and walked out of the Medbay. I headed through the Waverider, and it took me longer than it should have to get to the bridge. Rip noticed when I walked in, and he asked: "Miss Allen, what are you doing out of the Medbay?"

I defended, "I'm not that injured. I can walk."

Rip said, "You should be resting."

I rolled my eyes, "How is this arms deal going?"

Rip informed, "Horrible."

Gideon pulled up a video to show that they were using their powers and weapons. I sighed and took a seat.


I was still sitting in my seat when the others came in. They were starting to bicker so it was easy to hear them. Ray complained, "Well, I'm really glad you were the one calling the shots."

Snart defended, "I had it under control until the Professor started picking fights with the PLO."

Carter agreed, "You let your ego endanger our entire mission."

Stein pointed out, "No, Mr. Rory's temper got completely out of control."

Mick said, "I thought we were friends, Professor."

Hayden growled out, "You're both at fault. You, Professor, got too nervous. And you, Rory, got too angry."

Kendra tried to point out, "At least there's one less nuclear bomb on the planet."

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