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Alright, I need help. I need a better ship name for Eleanor and Sara now that they are actually together. If you've got a suggestion, leave a comment and I'll give you guys a list of the ones I like the best and let you guys decide.

Also, if you like this chapter, please think about giving it a vote and comment.


I sighed in frustration as I closed my journal. It wasn't trying to write the information down that was frustrating me. It was everything else running through my mind. Everything. Being sent to a different time by myself, my relationship with Sara, trying to figure out the schematics for the Waverider.

I walked out of the office and towards the monitor. I walked around the monitor before leaning against the side closest to the chairs. I asked, "How much longer will you be up there, Sara?"

Sara requested, "Gideon, can you pilot for a little bit?"

I smiled at that, but when a fist hit across my face, everything went black.


Nate snapped, "You injected me with Nazi serum?"

Ray added, "Which I designed to quintuple my own strength and transform my skin into an alloy a hundred times stronger than steel."

Mick commented, "Steel, that's a cool name."

I rolled my eyes at Mick's stuffed mouth and the sandwich in his head. Nate agreed, "Yeah, especially since my grandfather was called Commander Steel." I groaned because I knew that this would only cause a debate on what we should officially call Nate. "But what does that make me? Corporal Steel? Mr. Steel? Citizen Steel?"

Jax grinned, "Who cares?" I looked at him. "You got superpowers now, dude."

Hayden pointed out, "Except he doesn't know how to control them."

Nate nodded, "I don't know how I turned to steel in the first place."

Sara shrugged, "Ray'll teach you."

Ray asked, "He will?"

I chuckled at the Boy Scout under my breath as he looked at Sara. Sara pointed out, "You said it yourself, you designed the serum."

Ray admitted, "Which I did beautifully, but it's not like I have an instruction manual."

Sara informed, "Guess you'll have to wing it." I raised an eyebrow at that. "Now, I'm gonna go have a chat with our stowaway." I moved to follow Sara, but she stopped me. "If I need to use your powers, I'll have Gideon get you."

I groaned as she continued on the brig. I turned to Hayden and questioned, "Cards?"

Hayden nodded, "Yeah, sure."


The ship started to shake and Hayden and I looked at each other. I immediately got up from my spot on the floor and ran for the engine room. I knew that Hayden would head from the bridge. I ran into the engine room as Jax informed, "I'm rerouting power from the secondary manifolds."

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