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We ran through the halls. Snart questioned, "You sure it was a good idea leaving the Terminator on the bridge?"

We all stopped to look at Rip as he assured, "Gideon has lockdown protocols."

Gideon informed, "Which have been overridden, Captain. Chronos is utilizing superior Time Master technology. I cannot countermand his orders."

Rip looked at me and questioned, "Could Eleanor?"

A moment of silence took over us as confusion started to mix with the silence. I knew that the others were unaware of the fact that I had designed all the Time Ships and the programs that were modeled after Gideon. Gideon finally answered, "Possibly."

The Waverider shook and the lights turned blue. We all held onto something as Rip informed, "He's time jumping the ship."

Snart pointed out, "The ladies will be left in 1958."

Hayden questioned, "What about Ray?"

Snart said, "Like I said."

Rip started to run for the bridge, "Let's go! We have to stop him!"

Snart and I immediately followed Rip. It was hard for the others to run as the ship time jumped. I found it somewhat challenging, but not to the level as the others. Rip demanded, "Gideon, open the doors on my mark." Rip looked at Stein, Jax, and Hayden. "Get to the Jumpship and escape."

Stein denied, "We are not abandoning you."

Rip pointed out, "No, you are obeying a direct order from your captain." Hayden and Jax looked back at Stein before leaving. Rip looked at me and Snart. Snart nodded. "Now, Gideon."

The doors opened and the three of us charged into the bridge. We immediately started to attack Chronos. Rip looked at me, "Get to the monitor."

I nodded and moved towards the monitor so that I could hack into Gideon. However, just as I reached the monitor, I was thrown back. Everything went black for a minute before some started to shake me. I groaned, "Ah, hell."

Hayden said, "Yeah, you're fine."

I got up with her help as Jax and Stein woke up Rip. Rip got up as he questioned, "Where's Chronos?"

Gideon informed, "He absconded with Mr. Snart on the Jumpship. I'm sorry, Captain."

It confused as to why he would take Snart but not Rip. Jax questioned, "Why would Chronos take Snart?"

Rip asked, "Gideon, can you track them?"

Gideon informed, "We have a more pressing matter."

Hayden and I looked at each other as Rip leaned forward to the monitor. Rip commanded, "Strap yourselves in."

Rip moved down to the side of the monitor as we all moved to chairs. Hayden questioned, "What's going on?"

Rip informed, "Chronos has sabotaged the navigation system. Unless we can find a way to alter the course, we'll be trapped in the Temporal Zone for all time."

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