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Hayden and I walked into the Galley since Hayden decided that it was time for the two of us to eat. I smiled when I saw that Sara was there. Sara glanced up at the door to see the two of us. However, Sara got up from the table and stormed past us. As she walked by me, Sara slammed her shoulder into mine causing me to stumble back some. Hayden walked into the Galley as she questioned, "What's with Sara?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "I think she's upset because she blames me for being left in 1958."

Hayden had Gideon fabricate her a sandwich as I moved towards the fridge. I always made sure that Rip allowed me to get some real food so that I could cook with stuff that didn't taste fake. Hayden asked, "Why would she blame you?"

I offered, "I, uh, I designed the Waverider." Hayden stopped what she was doing and looked at me. "Um, when I was a kid, I designed the Waverider after watching Star Wars. I would go back to the designs as I got older and understood more engineering and really designed it. Of course, I thought it was theoretical, but here we are."

Hayden narrowed her eyes, "But why do you think she blames you?"

I sighed, "When she stabbed me, she told me that it was for leaving her in 1958."

Hayden nodded, "Good reason."

I rolled my eyes at the older girl. Gideon announced, "Miss Allen, Miss Jordan, we have arrived at 2147."

Hayden offered half of her sandwich to me, "Thanks, Gideon." I took the half. "Come on. Let's get our clothes for 2147."

The two of us headed for the fabricator room. We got changed into the grey wool before going to the cargo bay. Hayden and I were waiting for others. Rip was already down here getting ready. Two footsteps walked down the stairs. Jax complained, "150 years in the future and people are still wearing wool?" Jax and Sara came into our view. "Man, I hate wool."

Rip walked in front of them as he patted Jax's arm, "Be grateful, Mr. Jackson. Those living outside the Kasnian Conglomerate are dressed in rags."

Hayden and I looked at the map that Rip had pulled up. I glanced at the other two to see if they would like to look, but Sara's glare stopped me. Sara asked, "Conglomerate?"

Rip explained, "Yes, in the year 2080, governments began to give way to corporations."

Hayden countered, "More like 2008."

Rip turned back and headed the other way, "According to Gideon, in two hours times, our favorite immortal psychopath is scheduled to attend a meeting of the Conglomerate's shareholders."

Rip opened a box and started to look through it. Sara clapped her hands, "Oh, sounds exciting."

I questioned, "You think Savage is taking over the world by trading stocks?"

Rip shut the box and looked at me, "What we do know is, in 20 years time, Kasnia is the foothold from which Savage takes over the world, so we hardly want to take him on there, but if we can figure out how his actions here lead to his rise to power, then we won't need to."

He pulled a small black box out of a container. Jax nodded, "Copy that, Captain."

Sara nodded to me, "I'm not working with her."

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