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The Waverider landed and I asked, "Where are we, Gideon?"

Gideon announced, "We've arrived in Leipzig, Germany, the most current location fo Vandal Savage." An alarm started to go off. "And it seems like there is trouble in the Medbay."

I grabbed my sandwich before heading to the bridge. The others didn't really pay me any attention. Jax did notice my sandwich. Jax asked, "Seriously? You're eating now?"

The others did actually look at me. I looked at Jax and said, "Sorry for being concerned about my own health. I don't think you realize how much I have to eat."

Jax rolled his eyes and I sat down. Rip eventually came in after I finished my sandwich and explained, "Pieces of the dagger have apparently broken off and are, as we speak, en route to her heart."

Jax asked, "Can't we just time jump into the future where they got the stuff that can fix her?"

Rip defended, "This ship is from that very same future and has, thus far, been unsuccessful in saving her."

Snart added, "Kendra wouldn't survive the time jump anyway." I looked at him in surprise and so did Rip. Kendra's injuries were too serious for her to time jump. "I pay attention."

Mick pointed out "To sum up, Carter Hall is dead, the girlfriend's not too far behind, Vandal Savage is sitting pretty in 1975, which we're all now stuck in. That how the plan supposed to work, Rip?"

Rip said, "Obviously not, but the mission is simple." He walked down the steps and towards us. "We stop Vandal Savage here in the past and we save the future."

Hayden reminded, "Simple doesn't mean easy, Captain."

Rip shook his head, "Oh, I never said it was. The benefit of being a Time Master is that the length and breadth of history gives one... perspective. I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die and dark knights fall, and even then I accomplished my mission no matter what." He walked past Sara and Snart. "Gideon, what is our status?"

Gideon informed, "When the Waverider was attacked by Chronos, the Jumpship was damaged. Unless you make repairs, we will be unable to"

Jax cut her off "Wait, Jumpship?"

Rip explained, "It's a small expeditionary vessel at the belly of the Waverider..." He pointed at Jax. "You're a mechanic! You have a look at it."

Rip started to walk back up to the stairs and into the office. Jax pointed out "Uh...auto mechanic. Uh..." Jax looked around the bridge and motioned to it. "Spaceship." Rip made a face and motion as to ask what the deal was. "Ok, if you've got a set of wrenches, I'll see what I can do."

Mick asked, "What about the rest of us? Do we just sit?"

Rip agreed, "Capital idea, Mr. Rory!" Rip turned and walked into the office. "You aren't nearly as thick as most people say."

I looked at Rip with Snart and Sara. I was surprised that Rip would actually say that to Mick even though we all knew it to be true. Mick asked, "Thick...does that mean stupid?"

Hayden nodded and patted Mick's shoulder as she moved to stand by me. Sara eventually followed Rip into the office. Jax said, "Alright, I'm gonna get started on this engine."

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