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Thank you to everyone who voted and commented in the last chapter. Do not forget that you can still vote for either Allen-Lance or Lance-Allen. If you've already voted, please don't vote again. It is currently 13-2 in favor of Allen-Lance.


I walked in with Ray and Jax. Ray announced, "Sorry we're late, but we found something."

Jax informed, "We've been running diagnostics on Ray's suit after his battle with Savage's Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robot."

Ray informed, "The telemetry data included a comparative scan of the robot's tech."

Stein gasped, "Amazing. This neuromorphic profile is astonishingly futuristic."

Kendra nodded, "Yeah, and it's from 2166."

I denied, "Well, that's the thing. It's not." Rip looked up at us. "This technology's light years more advanced than anything from 2166."

Snart asked, "Who cares?"

Rip pointed at him, "The Time Masters." My eyes widened at that. "They refused to take action against Savage because he didn't pose a threat to the timeline."

Stein started, "But if he comes into possession of future technology"

Rip cut him off, "It means he's been engaging in exactly the same manipulation of time that the Time Council were designed to prevent."

Sara got up to look at the monitor, "So now they'll finally sign off on undoing all the damage Savage has done to the world."

Rip gave a short nod. Mick pointed out, "Last time I checked, the Time Council was at the edge of the timeline, and this bucket of bolts can barely hold it together as it is."

Rip swiped the bottle of rum off of the monitor, "Gideon, what's the status of the Time Drive?"

Gideon informed, "Stable, Captain."

Rip walked towards his chair as he demanded, "Set a course for the Vanishing Point." Rip turned to look at us. "Tonight, Vandal Savage faces justice for his crimes."

I wasn't too sure about that. Savage having future tech didn't exactly strike me as something the Time Council seemed to want to stop. They should have known that Savage had the technology with it being so destructive and deadly. Rip, however, fell back into his seat before taking a drink of the rum.


I grabbed Rip's wrist as he tried to walk through the halls. Rip stopped and looked back at me. Rip asked, "Yes, Miss Allen?"

I took a deep breath before admitting, "I don't-I don't think it's a go-good idea to take Savage to the Time Council."

Rip assured, "They aren't that scary, Miss Allen."

He started to turn back around but I denied, "That's not why." Rip raised an eyebrow at me. "Rip, Savage had technology from the future."

Rip nodded, "Yes, we all know that, Miss Allen."

I shook my head, "No, that technology is destructive and deadly and came from the future. Very far into the future." Rip didn't look impressed. "The Time Council should have known! That technology was extremely dangerous and he used it to kill millions of people. They should have known!"

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