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The Waverider landed and Rip immediately jumped out of his seat with a yell. Rip explained, "It's been quite a while since I time-jumped far enough to experience side effects." Rip held his palm in his other hand. "Fond memories."

Jax complained, "I can't feel my face."

Snart assured, "Feel fine I."

Hayden and I looked at each other before we pushed the straps up and got up. Rip moved towards them, "Linguistic dysplasia, that should pass shortly."

I rolled my eyes, "We feel fine."

Some of them gave us a glance, but it was true. Hayden and I had never felt the effect of time-jumping beyond nausea. Snart said, "Better feel I."

Jax got up as he hit his face, "Am I the only one who can't feel their face?"

Ray informed, "I can't feel my" He cut himself off as he looked down. "I better not say."

Stein glanced at Mick before informing, "Mr. Rory appears unaffected."

Mick asked, "What's going on? We time-jump?"

Sara groaned, "Yeah, we time-jumped." She got up and moved towards the monitor. "But where to is the better question."

Rip informed, "The town of Salvation, the Dakota Territory, 1871."

Hayden grinned, "The Old West." I raised an eyebrow at her. "My Dad and I used to watch movies about the Old West before he died."

Mick denied, "This isn't going to work."

Rip assured, "It'll buy us time." He turned and leaned against the monitor. "We can hide out here while the Hunters search the other Fragmentations."

Mick questioned, "What if they decide to check this place first?"

Kendra butted in, "You know, feel free to loop us in whenever it's convenient."

Rip turned to look at her as he explained, "As you've seen, time doesn't operate as is generally thought. It wants to happen. It takes time to harden. The--The timeline is unclear on occasion, constantly in flux."

Stein added, "Hence the difficulty in locating Savage throughout history."

Rip continued, "Indeed. And one of the other interesting notions of time travel is the existence of Fragmentations."

Mick informed, "Temporal blind spots, specific places and times the Time Masters can't see."

Rip added, "The town of Salvation and its surrounding environs are located within one of these Fragmentations."

Snart stood up, "So, basically, we're hiding out in the Old West and hoping your boogeymen don't find us here."

Snart leaned against his chair before Mick told, "The Hunters are not boogeymen. And you better hope they don't find us."

Ray grinned, "Well, at least not until I get a chance to 'punch a few doggies' or 'bust a bronco' or two." We all turned to stare at him. Ray realized that we were all staring pretty quickly. "Not that I condone animal cruelty. It's just that I watched a lot of Westerns as a kid."

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