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Whoo! Another update, y'all! Y'all have no idea how close we are to my big plots happening this season. Poor Eleanor is gonna have a hard time in the next few episodes..... Actually, she's about to have a hard time for the rest of the season. Get ready for the pain to come for Eleanor.

The list for teh ship names will be at the bottom.

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I played with Sara's hand as it rested over my waist and I couldn't help but smile at it. Sara had actually stayed the night in my room. She also hadn't woken up yet. I slowly moved Sara's arm from above me before heading out of my room. I made sure that there was no one out in the hallway. I walked out of my room and watched as the doors shut before I headed to the gallery. I requested, "Gideon, when Sara wakes up tell her that I'm in the gallery. And watch the hall for anyone outside of my room when she goes to leave."

Gideon assured, "Of course, Miss Allen."

I gave a small nodded and walked into the gallery. I immediately headed for the fridge to find something to make. I had my head stuck at the bottom shelf of the fridge looking for the eggs and bacon. Someone behind me commented, "You're getting up late."

I jumped and hit my head on the shelf above me. I groaned as I pulled my head out from the fridge and rubbed it. I looked back at Hayden. I shrugged, "I needed the sleep."

Hayden slowly nodded before motioning toward the stove, "I set out stuff for you to make bacon stuffed french toast."

I shook my head at the older hero. She had told me that it was something her father had made for her as a kid and she fell in love with it. Hayden would request it if she woke up before me and knew that I was going to make breakfast. I rolled my eyes, but I went ahead and made it for Hayden. I glanced up when Sara trudge into the gallery. It was obvious that she had just woken up as well. I greeted, "Good morning, Sara."

Sara looked up at me and I gave a slight nod toward Hayden. Sara yawned, "Morning, you two."

Sara sat down by Hayden and I placed a plate down in front of her. Sara looked surprised. She had eggs, bacon, and two pieces of french toast on her plate. Sara questioned, "How did you know what I wanted?"

Hayden informed, "I've given up on figuring it out."

I shook my head at my friend as I continued to fix my own plate up. I watched as Hayden put her plate into the sink before leaving. Sara watched her as well before mentioning, "You weren't there when I woke up."

I rolled my eyes at that because I knew that it was what she was going to say. I pointed out, "I was making breakfast."

Sara pouted, "I wanted you to be there when I woke up."

I countered, "It's almost 11, Sara." Sara's eyes widened in surprise. "Yeah."

Sara got up from her seat and groaned, "I have to go get ready."

I shook my head, "After you eat. So, sit down and eat breakfast with me."

Sara sat down by me and started to eat her breakfast. I smiled at her and she dove into a conversation with me.

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