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Alright, currently the vote is 16-5 in favor of Allen-Lance. You can either vote for Allen-Lance or Lance-Allen. I will give it a few days after this chapter is posted before the voting is officially over. Please vote because there are so many people who haven't voted for which name they prefer.

Also, thank you to those who left a vote or a comment the last chapter. If you like this chapter please think about giving it a vote or comment.


We followed Rip off of the Waverider after it landed in Star City of 2016. Mick questioned, "What are we doing back here?"

Rip explained, "Savage has a timeship, courtesy of the Time Masters." I glanced back as the Waverider went invisible. "The timeline is unclear, due to our destruction of the Oculus, meaning..."

Stein finished, "Savage is lost to history."

We all stopped and looked at Rip as he turned to look at the rest of us. Rip informed, "Which is why I brought you all home."

Jax denied, "Mission's not over."

Ray agreed, "Jax is right. We've lost Savage before. We'll find him again."

Rip asked, "And then what? We have no way of killing Savage, particularly now that Kendra and Carter are in his possession, assuming that they're still alive, which is highly unlikely."

I asked, "So that's it? We're-We're just giving up."

Rip continued, "I'm on my way to the refuge to retrieve our younger selves and return them to the timeline." He looked down as he shook his head. "It will be as you never left."

Sara asked, "What, you think that we can just return to our old lives, and then pretend like none of this ever happened?"

Rip nodded, "Mm, that might be a tad difficult." I furrowed my brow in confusion. "So I had to bring you back to May 2016, not January 2016."

That surprised me even more. The deal had been that we were going to return to the same time that we had left. Hayden scoffed, "Great, so what you're saying is that for the last five months, my brothers probably believe that I'm dead." I looked at her as she nodded. "Thanks a lot, man."

Sara questioned, "Ok, wait, why?" We looked at her as Rip looked down. "Why the change of plans, Rip?"

Mick informed, "If you're getting back on the ship, we're getting back on that ship."

When Mick poked Rip's arm, Rip started to glitch. He wasn't even really out here. Rip explained, "In truth, I never left it." The Waverider started to take off and we all glanced at it. "I'm sorry for all that I asked of you, and that it all came to nothing." Sara turned away as we watched the Waverider leave. "I wish you all well."

The transmission of Rip disappeared as did the Waverider. Mick grumbled, "I never liked that guy."


I watched the others from the doorway of the Cortex. It was weird to be back here in Central City. It was still home. They were discussing how to stop the metahumans that had come over from Earth-2. I suggested, "How about frequency?"

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