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Look, I am very aware that I have used this gif before, but let's take another moment to appreciate how amazing Caity looked during this scene.

I don't know if people still worship Greek gods and goddesses, but I changed up some of it. Just having to do with Hekate.

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I fixed the red dress that I was wearing as I walked down the hall. I groaned, "Guys, I hate this dress. It's stupid and looks hideous."

Sara scoffed, "Please, you look good in everything, Ella."

Rip informed, "King Louis is scheduled to meet an untimely end at the hand of Cardinal Richelieu's men at any moment."

I paused outside of the King's door. I glanced back at Hayden and she nodded so that I knew she was watching behind me. Ray announced, "Roger that. I have eyes on the King."

Rip instructed, "Whatever you do, do not let him out of your sight."

I started to walk away so I could check up on Sara because the King was fine so far. Hayden walked with me as we walked through the halls. Ray asked, "But if today's when he's supposed to, you know, with the queen, I"

Stein cut him off, "Raymond, without that consummation, there will be no Louis coutures, no Sun King, and no golden age of France."

I added, "Which means by extension no Madame Curie, no Louis Pasteur."

Ray assured, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, history will be totally screwed, but I don't have to be there for the actual..." Hayden and I couldn't help it as we laughed at him under our breath, "you know, consummation, do I?"

I stopped in front of the queen's door. I could feel Sara's mind but I had to break through the barriers she had built in her mind before realizing that they were just talking. I started to walk away so that I could help where it was needed. Rip asked, "Sara, I need to know that the Queen is secure."

Sara wasn't answering, but Stein informed: "Meantime, I believe I've identified our assassins, and I'd wager those aren't just swords on their hips."

Hayden and I looked at each other. We knew what weapon most time pirates brought with them and sold to people in the past. Hayden questioned, "Laser guns?"

Stein confirmed, "Yes."

Rip agreed, "Ah, yes, that would explain the aberration."

I informed, "I just checked up on Sara, she's with the queen. The two of them were just talking."

A laser fired at me and I ducked. I looked back at the wall to see the burn mark before standing up. I scoffed, "Oh, you shouldn't have done that."

I wrapped the red wisps around the gun and crushed it before wrapping the wisps around the man. I threw him out of the window before running down the hall. Hayden easily caught up to me as we ran to help protect King Louis. Mick was on top of him as Jax threw the men that were threatening the King to the side. Mick asked, "Where's Sara?"

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