I'm A Werewolf And Your My Mate? WTF? Ch. 22

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Ashely's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day and I was blinded by the sunlight that was pooling into my room. I was about to get out of bed when I heard someone knocking at the door. I quickly threw the blanket over my bare legs and made an attempt to cover myself as I was only wearing a t-shirt. The door swung open and I could see that it was dad standing in the doorway.

"Breakfast is ready." Dad says.

"I'll be right down in a minute." I tell him.

Dad began to close the door when a thought popped up in my head that I needed to ask.

"Hey dad?" I ask.

He pushed the door back so he could look at me.

"Has mom tried calling you?" I ask.

Dad shakes his head. "Either your mother has turned off her phone or she got a new number because I have tried calling her myself and I can't get through." He responds.

Maybe she broke her phone in frustration when she couldn't get through to me. 

Dad then shuts the door and I hear his footsteps walking away. I got off the bed and grabbed the shorts that were on the floor by my bed. I put them on and then I walked over to the door and opened it. When I walked into the hallway I could smell bacon which made my stomach growl. I proceeded down the stairs and when I got to the last step I could hear Matt talking to someone. 

I walked into the kitchen to see that only Matt and my dad were in here. I went over to the table and sat down on a chair. Matt sat down beside me and then dad put a plate in front of me and Matt. I picked up a piece of bacon and ate half of it when dad put a fork on my plate. 

"Thank you." I said with a mouthful of food. 

A piece of bacon slipped away from my mouth and landed on the plate. I picked up the piece and ate it. I noticed that both Matt and dad were staring at me. 

"Sorry." I say grabbing the fork off the plate.

After breakfast, I went back upstairs to take a shower  and get ready for the day. When I got to the top of the stairs, I could feel someone staring at me. I turned around and saw Matt standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me. 

I pointed at him. "Stay there." I tell him before heading into my room. 

I shut the door and then I proceeded to grab my clothes and headed off into the bathroom to take a shower. I made sure the temperature was hot before stepping into it. After I had gotten dressed and combed through my hair I went into the hallway and towards the stairs. When I got there I saw Matt sitting at the bottom of the steps. As if he could sense that I was staring at him, he turned his head to look at me. 

When I got to the bottom step, dad entered the living room and we left the house. We got into the car and dad drove off into town. We got to Wal-Mart and when we got to electronics, I grabbed one of the straight-talk phones.

"This is the one you want?" Matt asks.

I looked at it a bit before nodding my head. After Matt had paid for it we went to the wireless area where they got my phone fixed up with all my contacts in it and I was glad that I still got to keep my number. 

When we got home, I went upstairs to my room to put the phone on charger when I got a new message. I clicked on it and was shocked at the number of texts mom, Derek, and Paul had sent. The new message was from an unknown number but when I clicked on it I knew it was from mom. The new message stated that if I didn't respond to her soon the three of them were going to take a plane ride here to track me down.

I called her but apparently she was away from her phone cause it went to voicemail. I left one for her, letting her know that my phone broke when I dropped it and that I just got a new one. Of course I would never let her know that it was actually crushed by a handsome over-protective man who is my mate. 

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