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Namjoon's POV

I was just sitting on the couch, when I heard footsteps behind me.

"What is it Bambam?" I ask sighing.

"Do you really love my sister? Or are you just using her for your own sick fantasies?" Bambam asks questionably.

"I love her with all my heart. And if you can't accept that, then why don't you ju-" I was cut off by the slamming of the front door.

'Incoming! Duck now!' My brain tells me as Hunji enters the room.

"Hey baby. Where is Ja-" She cuts me off.

"You find that sick bastard! You find my father, or I will." She points at me and Bambam.

She runs up the stairs into our bedroom where she slams the door.

Hunji's POV

I am fuming with rage. Who in the hell does he think he is?! Threatening my fucking family! Not anymore. Namjoon walks in the room and shuts the door.

"Get out!" I yell at him.

"No. Now you sit down and stop throwing a fucking tantrum!" He yells.

I sit on the bed and put my face in my hands. I feel him sit next to me and start making circles on my back with his hand.

"Now what is wrong?" He asks calmly.

"He threatened my family. He threatened to kill them." I say my lip quivering.

"Who threatened you?" He asks more alert.

"My dad. That fucking bastard." I say angrily crying.

"Not to be technical, but you my sir are the bastard." He says causing me to chuckle. "Now, stop stressing, I'll find him. You know why?" He asks.

"Because I have a nice ass?" I say jokingly.

"Yes. And because I will do anything for my baby girl, I would die for you. I would live for you." He says and kisses my nose. "Now, let's get you in the bath to relax."

Namjoon picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. He sets me gently on the floor. As I'm undressing, he puts the stoppers in the tub and lets the bath fill up. I watch as he starts to undress as well. I give him a look that says, 'What the hell are you doing?'

"You really thought I wasn't going to partake in the bath with you?" He chuckles and continues undressing.

He sits in the tub first, and takes my hand as I sit in front of him. He starts to wash my hair.

"How did I get so lucky to have a husband willing to wash my hair?" I ask.

"Any man who won't wash his girl's hair, is a dick." He rinses the shampoo out of my hair.

He wraps his arms around my shoulders covering my chest. We stay like this until...

"Park Hunji?!" Jay yells from downstairs.

My face contorts as I remember I left him at the gym

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My face contorts as I remember I left him at the gym. Soon enough the bathroom door swings open revealing a fuming Jay.

"Why the fuck would you leave me?!" He ask yells.

"I don't know, and I don't care, now, as you can see, me and my husband are both nude, can you leave so we can enjoy our bath time?" I pick up a handful of bubbles and blow them out of my hand.

"We aren't done with this conversation, little girl." Jay says and leaves our bedroom.

I sigh in happiness and lean back against Namjoon. He groans.

"H-hunji?" He calls out to me.

"Yes?" I ask turning a little to face him. 

He moans. I feel his well hardened member on my thigh.

"Oh, is daddy horny?" He moans as I grab his member and apply slight pressure.

I stoke quickly up and down.

"Oh, f-fuck, baby." He bites his lip.

"Won't you cum for me?" I whisper in his ear while stoking faster.

In about thirty strokes he cums in my hand.

"I love you, Namjoon." I tell him.

"I love you, too, thick cheeks."

Thick Kink: K.NJWhere stories live. Discover now