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Hunji's POV

I stare at the wall in front of the bed I'm sitting on.

'Am I really doing this today?' I ask myself

Why did I even choose to want to stay with him? Is it worth it? It's just for show. I'll be safer. My mom won't be able to hurt me anymore. My thought get more wild and crazy the more I sit.

'What makes his job so dangerous anyway?'

'He doesn't love you, he shouldn't have to do this.'

'It's all a game.'

'He's playing you, and you know it.'

I tell myself.

"Hunji?" A voice calls out

I turn to beside me and look up.

"Yes, Namjoon?" I ask in response.

"He's here, time to get married." He says with a slight smile.

I send a smile back and leave the room. We get downstairs to the living room where we were to be eloped.

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Jin." The man greets me. "Let's get this over with, I have another one of these to do in twenty minutes."

Namjoon and I face each other. I feel my face heat up from the awkwardness.

"We are here today, blah blah, vows, blah blah, rings." Jin says.

Namjoon takes the ring from the pillow and puts in on my left ring finger. I do the same and look at him.

"More blah blah, you may now kiss the bride."

I purse my lips not trying to push it.

"Kiss her already, I know you want to." Jin say to Namjoon.

Without time to think, Namjoon grabs my face and kisses me. I return the kiss and pull away.

"Congrat, Mr. and Mrs.Kim. Don't mess up Namjoon." Jin says. "I'll be going, I'll be back sometime to visit and further get to know you Hunji."

"Okay, see you then." I reply with a smile.

He bows and leaves the house.

"So, we're married. What now?"


I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge.

"Holy shit!" I yell.

Namjoon comes running into the kitchen.

"What happened?" He asks.

"You have no food whatsoever. We need to go grocery shopping if this marriage is going to work." I tell him.

"Yeah, living by myself, I usually order out a lot. We can go now, if you want." He say while rubbing the back of his neck.

"You seem nervous."

"Pardon?" He asks.

"Don't be, let's go before I starve."

I grab my wallet and his hand and walk out of the door. He drives us to the nearest market so we can find some food. I start pushing the cart through the store.

"What first?" He asks me.


I find the rice on the high shelf and try to reach it. I'm a little far from it.

Namjoon's POV

She looks so cute trying to reach the bag. On her tiptoes, she looks thicker than before. I walk up behind her and grab the bag with ease.

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