(also why- sorry- 3) WHY?!?!

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         I wake up in a hospital bed with somebody holding my hand, crying.  "dang it, I wasn't ever supposed to wake up, I was supposed to die."  "jaMES DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN!!!"  'wait- who-?  Thomas, it's him, my god I can't catch a break, can I?'  "WHY WOULD YOU EVEN-?!?!"  "Because I have no reason not to."  "you....... have........ me?"  "you left, Thomas"  "there has to be-!  The space program, you have that!"  "Mom told me yesterday I got a letter of denial."  "oh my god.  How long?"  I pull up my sleeve and show the scars that remain from years ago, as well as the new ones from yesterday.  "James...."

         He's speechless, he has no idea what to say, so he just hugs me.  "I'm....so sorry..."  "when can I get out of here?"  "Today, but please just let me talk-"  "make it quick"  "I told you we had to stop talking because I knew for a fact I wasn't gonna get into the space program... I came over yesterday to apologize... I'm so sorry... I was just trying to protect you from getting hurt."  He rubs the back of his neck.  "It's... it's okay just... you obviously didn't protect me that well, now did you?"  "....n-no, I..... I failed..."  "oh my god I forgive you just stop feeling sorry for yourself and help me up"   "does this mean we're still friends?  Like before?"  "Maybe friends... but I don't think we'll ever be as close as before, you don't get to mess with people's emotions, this is what happens when you hurt somebody, all these cuts and bruises?  Take it in genius."

         I feel bad being so mean, but this is going easy compared to what I went through.  "I'm..... James I'm sorry...... I have a really important thing..... just..... meet me at the park at 6?"  "whatever, just... remember how pathetic I look right now, and when you see me walking around like I'm perfectly okay, just know:  I'm not."  "..... see ya James"  So he leaves.  Just like before, but now he gets to leave me in a horrible emotional state with a good conscience.  I only wish he knew half the thoughts in my head.  If I could tell him.

         Mom walked in with a paper in her hand, crying.  "James!!! I- We're sorry we agreed it would be better if you never went to space we thought it would be better if you didn't know you got accepted."  "Give. Me. The. Letter. And. Go. Away."  So she does, and the letter reads:

James Madison, 

         You are hereby accepted to join the Youth Selective Space Program, you have passed the test with the second- highest score in the nation of your age.  In two weeks, we will need to be informed whether you intend to take this opportunity.

                                                                                                                                                                       -YSSP selection

(see? not dead, so don't kill me either.  See you later, you amazing peoples)

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