(5) Turtles knows all XD

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(whoopsie now how and why and most importantly what does turtles know~? *lenny face* also, the art on the top is actually mine for once, it took 5ever, and it's sad af, but deal with it)

"Awww, Jem- that's cute, but are you ever gonna get off of me, or should we skip dinner~?" "I- I'm not really hungry." "me neither, wanna go watch a horror movie~?" "Dang it Thomas, you know I don't like scary stuff =<" "How about we watch a disney movie then?" "YAAAASSSS- I mean- those are for kids, but fine." "c'mon Jem, I can cook better than any restaurant can around here~" "Yeah, mac n cheese." "I can cook more than mac n cheese!!!" "prove me wrong~" "Let me up~" "or don't your hair is too floofy to stop playing with." "I'll pick you up and carry you then~? Unless you wanna stop messing with my hair~?" "I uhh- well-" I was cut off AGAIN, this time by Thomas picking me up. "Ahh- wth Thomas?!" "I won't drop you~" "you do and you'll be a dead Tommy" He fake dropped me, caught me, and we somehow ended up in a dip. "I- umm- thomas- oh my god-" "you're blushing again, Jemmy~" he picked me back up, suddenly. When he did, I squealed "Awww~" "shut up" "I already told you, I never shut up~" "jesus can you please put me out of my misery now-" "BY LETTING HIM AND I BE IMMORTAL PRAISE THE LORD AMEN!!!" "I tried-" "AND JEMMY YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE, LIKE EVER, IF YOU DIE, I'LL KILL YOU!!!" "that's a defiance of logi-" "STOP USING YOUR AMAZING INTELLECT AGAINST ME~!!!" "I- umm-"

"You're too good for this world, jem." "no, you are~" "we're not getting in that argument again, you're the best, that's final" "Whatever you say." "Yep, now do you wanna walk, cuz it's ok if you don't-" "Thomas, you're acting like I broke my leg, I can walk!" "But do you want to~?" "well.....n-not really..." "Then I'll carry you the rest of the way there~!" "omg, you're over dramatic." "only for you~" "jesus why are you so flirty?!" "Cuz it annoys you- and when you blush and stutter-" "NOPE. NoPe. nope." "Aww, your voice cracked, you okay~?" "Do I really have to repeat myself -_-? ' best day of my life' means I'm okay." "Okay, but WHY is it the best day of your life~? Anything I did~?" "-/////- You know dang well!" "Heh~ oh do I now~?" "I will tackle you again, this time what happens after won't be accidental~!" "oh really~?" 'boy, you test my patience a lot, don't you~?' I thought as I jumped at him, again knocking us both over (and by the will of da magic author-) For the second time today, we landed in a kiss, but this time I didn't pull back- until I had to stop to breathe. "Damn Jem, didn't think you had the guts~" "Shut up already!" "make me~" And I did, because you can't speak while you're in the middle of a kiss. "Hehe, you're the first person to ever make me shut up~" "Not as easy as it looks- 'oh hi senpai, who I think is straight- I like you!' like that would be easy" "wait, I see the fortshadowing" "omg, pay attention in class, it's foreshadowing." "Which you do A LOT! Wow I'm dumb" " you're not dumb, nobody figured anything out." "why were you so secretive tho???" "well- hey random question, remember Sally?" "yeah, why?" "what if I told you... I... " "OMG YOU'RE NOT TELLING ME YOU KILLED SOMEONE, ARE YOU?!" "kinda... a little bit... yeah." "Omg. srsly, you could've just told me, you didn't have to kill her" "yeah I did." "And why's that?!" "well... you remember I told you, 'I've already killed for senpai'...?" "omg, this is messed up on another level" "I'm messed up on another level" "NO, REALLY?!" "ok, calm down Thomas" "I still wish you would've just told me, I would've dumped her." "you say that, but you know you were a bit head-over-heels" "Whatever, I don't wanna talk about this right now." "okay, we won't. Another random question-" "I swear if you tell me you killed another, I will- I don't know, somethin'." "...I was just gonna ask what you're gonna cook, jeez" "oh, heh, yeah, umm, I kinda lied-" "you're gonna make mac n cheese, aren't you?" "1,000%" "omg" "well, it's the best food in the world!!!" "I prefer almost literally anything else. Dang it, now I want chinese, don't ask why" "Why~?" "I'd tackle you, but you're already on the ground~" "which was entirely your doing, because you don't pay attention to what I say" "Not at all." "you're impossible jem." "A: have you seen yourself, B: don't call me that!" "heh, you do know I'm still gonna call you that, right?" "omg, this just proves my point" "Don't be me-" "an smol bean, I know, but stop saying that!" "don't interrupt me, smollest smol" "A: I can interrupt whoever I want, lamppost, B: not the smollest smol, John is." "A: but interrupting is rude, B: tru" "I don't care, I'm gonna interrupt people all I want" "Should we probably get up now~?" "yeah, what time even is it?"  "I left my phone at home." 'I kinda can't show him the time, cuz the background- omg how did I not realize that's okay now, due to the events of today?!' "here, password's - actually, I'll type it" "Whatever. Just show me what time-" he went silent when he saw the background. "Wow, always knew you were good at art~" "heh, you need to not." "But I like it~" "oh my god, if I pass out, I blame you" "I'd just keep carrying you till we get there~" "y- n- I can walk, thanks." "whatever you say smo-" "DON'T YOU DARE!" "and if I do~?" "I'll make you shut up one way or another" "Smol bean~" "You gotta stop testing me like that, I'm a man of my words, I'll figure out a way to shut you up... Tommy" "uhh- well- dang it jem, you really gotta stop saying that!" "oh really~? And if I don't~?" "I'll figure something out." "Whatever, I kinda wanna go watch some boring documentary, somehow become more nerdy, and fall asleep. If it's boring enough, you might fall asleep before you learn anything" "sounds like something you'd do." "I'd watch documentaries more often, but I've already watched all the ones on netflix." "so that's how you know random stuff? Because I've been on the weird side of google, never about romans and quotes" "A: I read books, you should try it sometime, B: yeah, that's where the rest is from" "A: I have read a book before, B: thought so" "A book~? You've only read one book in your life~?" "you know what I meant- wait how many books have you-" "985 books throughout my life" "You keep track of that?!" "yep" "Wow, just wow." "Books are good" "I don't know, they seem boring" "I'm boring" "nope, you're the most interesting person I've ever met." "I highly doubt that" "but it's true." "well- whatever you say" "yeah, 'cuz I'm always right" "not really." "Was I wrong when I asked to hang out outside of school~?" "no, but you'll rarely hear the words, 'you're right' out of me, so don't get used to it" "heh. Okay then, I think we should get going, the sun's setting" "oh y-yeah" "You know, I'm still gonna carry you~" "I can't stop you if I try, can I?" "probably not" Once he managed to not drop me, we made it to our dorm, because being the first day, we had just gotten the keys to our dorms. "YAASSS THOMAS LOOK WE'RE ROOMMATES!!!!" "YAAAASSSS- wait, anyone else here?" "put me down and we'll go in and find out?" "Nah, whoever it is can choke on their opinions" and he opened the door to see John waiting for us. (TURTLES KNOWS ALL!!!- [rolling the credits XD]) "OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!" 'yay, back to my face being redder than blood, a shade of red I'm relatively used to at this point' "A. Word. And. you're. Dead. got it?" "Awww, you're not very threatening though, James" Again, I didn't wanna talk. "Well, I'll leave you guys to it~ I was just heading over to Alex's house anyway~" This allowed my voice to be back "John you better not tell your boyfriend what you saw!!!" "I do a lot of things I'm not supposed to do, smollest" And the door slammed before I could say anything. "On the bright side, Jem, he might've left his room key" There was one thing I hadn't known at the time: John had a picture of us walking in - more like him literally carrying me in- and he was about to show it to Alexander.

(Turtles Point of view, that's new)

I was ecstatic, and I kept thinking 'THE SHIP IS REAL IT JUST HAPPENED I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I CAN STAY CONSCIOUS THE WHOLE WAY TO ALEX'S!!!' But eventually, I made it. I knocked three times, that's how I let him know it's me. "Come in, door's unlocked." So I did. "ALEX OMG YOU'RE NEVER GONNA BELIEVE ME UNTIL YOU SEE THE PROOF!!!" "Woah, calm down turtles, what is it?" "NOT CALMING DOWN, DA OTP IS REAL NOW LOOK AT THE PICTURE JUST LOOK!!!" I practically shouted while showing him the picture. "YAY YES OMG THE SHIP IS REAL YES!!!" I laughed. "I have the same dorm, so I have the right to invite you to help torture them about it~?" "YEP GIMME 30 SECONDS!!!"

And he was actually back in 28 seconds, with his shoes on and his hair up. "Jeez Alex, godspeed much?" "Only for the ships!!!" "whatever, c'mon!!!"

(back to Madison)

"Hey Jem, 'It' or 'The Exorcist' ?" "I chose sanity, is that an option?"  "compromise, goosebumps?" "sure, I'll find it on netflix if you go make the popcorn" "sure" I got under a blanket because I was cold, and about 2 minutes after the show started, Thomas was under it too. Then the door opened.

(so back to turtles, who's just showing up)

I pushed open the door and signaled for Alex to come in. 'oh. My. god. Yes! They're on the couch watching tv under a blanket yeeesssssssss ok calm down don't screech' "John I swear if you told Gremlin-" he stopped when Alex walked in behind me. "OMG SHIIIIPPPPPPSSSSSS" 'wow, maybe I shouldn't have told him, now my head's gonna hurt. Nah, it's worth it.'

(sorry, but I has idea, so back to Madison)

"Uhh- that's not it w- we're just watching a-" Who do you think cut me off? Thomas. How do you think he did so? He randomly hugged me so I'd blush to death. But not just that. Not. Just. That! I didn't think John and Alexander noticed it, but with the hug, he gave me a kiss on the cheek, which took my voice away and left my face the reddest it had been all day. "Sorry Jemmy, you were saying~?" "I- uhh-" I had been wrong, the other two had seen him kiss me. "EEEEEEE YEEEEEEEES OTPOTPOTPOTPOTP!!!!" 'Wait, they saw that?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' "w- why don't you two just shut up?" "BECAUSE NEVER!!! JINX!!! JINX AGAIN!!!"  'oh my lord' I looked back to Thomas, who was smirking happily at his actions. I must have looked angry, because his smile got bigger. "Oh, what?!" "You. You make me happy. Plus you're as adorable as an angry kitten.  You basically are a kitten if I'm being honest" "uhh- y- you're a baka!" "Heh~ whatever you say jemmy" "SHIIIIIIPPPPPSSSSSS!!!" "Can you two g- go get lives or something?!" "nah, turtles knows all, gremlins always watching~" "you're not helping Thomas!" "SO HOW'D YOU GUYS GET TOGETHER?!?!" "wouldn't you like to know, John?" "Well, it started when James~-" "THOMAS SHUT UP!" "When we were walking and he tackled me so he could~-" "FINISH THAT SENTENCE I DARE YOU!!!" "so he could kiss me~" "I - THAT'S NOT-" "EEEEEEE SHIPS!!!" He was still smirking. "Dang it Thomas, you need to learn to shut your mouth!!!" "You already know how to make me~" I put my hands back over my face. "Jem, lemme tell you something." He leaned in like he was gonna whisper something, so I uncovered my already red face. AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MACCARONI FRIGGER DID?! Instead of whispering something, he kissed me again!!! I was still getting used to it at the time, so I just sat there, eyes wide, not moving. 'HOW DID I FALL FOR THAT IT WAS SO PREDICTABLE?!?!?!?!' "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "omg, you guys go bother someone else like please" "no way James." And then Thomas got a smirk so big I knew it couldn't have been good. "Well, nothing more than a few kisses on the cheek will happen unless we're alone~" And that actually worked, they left. "You just said that to get them to leave, right Thomas?" "maybe so, maybe not~" 

(also, my mottos are, "talk shit, get hit," and "choke on their (your) opinions" so yeah)

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