(4) Oh no

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( DO NOT WORRY IT IS FLUFFS also I'm soorryyyy but it's like really long )

         "A: yes you are, the definition, B: Gremlin" "A: you would know about definitions, human dictionary, B: don't be protective around hamilton, he's third-shortest in our group, and I'm tallest, I could take that punk out in a fight." "A: not sure how to take that, B: No you couldn't, he fights like a coward, I won't surprised if he shoots you in the back." "A: take it as a complement, B: I could still take him." 'No, overconfident Thomas, you could not.' "you doubt my abilities, smol one~?" "Oops, meant to say it in my head." "You still doubted me, I'll kick his ass right now if it helps?" "Nah, that's my job" "Because you are smol, and he is smol, it's a fair fight." 'it's reasons like these- you not figuring out my murderous capabilities and intentions- that make me doubt you a little. Where do you think Sally went, smart little zopa~?' 

         "nah, just personal reasons." "like what?" "Like mind your own business reasons." "le gasp~" "shut it zopa." 'seriously, I can't believe he hasn't figured it out, pretty obvious if you ask me. Which you didn't. Because you is me. Because I'm talking to myself in my head.' "why do you always call me a zopa?"  'Because I'm a tsundere and a yandere, and it's partially true, you are a zopa. Well kinda. I don't really know.' "because you are one." "Owww my feelings~!" "oh shut it" "you're mean, smol bean" "call me smol bean ONE MORE TIME, I will tackle you" "~smol bean~" I literally knocked him over while saying "I warned you, you should have listened to me~!" (but by the will of magical author) And then... we landed on the grass... 'oooohhhh come onnnn seriously?!' Our faces were like an inch away from each other =<. I didn't think I could move, so I just sat there, blushing to death because of the proximity. " wow smol, didn't think you had it in you~" " are you trying to get slapped?!" "What if I was~?" I then got off of him. 

         "Why'd ya have to make it weird, zopa?" "because I wanted up, smol bean~" "I will slap your fudgin face" "Do it then~" 'dang it, he called my bluff =<' " I'd rather not get zopa on my hand." "owwww, stop calling me zopa" "Then stop calling me smol / smol bean -_-" "ok, deal" "good choice baka~" "omg not baka or zopa!!!" "but you're both?" "Fine, I guess I am, ~smol be~-" I cut him off with a slap to the face "The frick James?!" "I. told. You. I. would." "yeah but I thought you were kidding!" "now you know I wasn't" "whatever" "hey, do you know sign language?" "well no, why?" I then signed one letter at a time 'g o o d b e c a u s e I a m f l u e n t s o I c a n s a y a n y t h i n g I w a n t, z o p a s e n p a i.'

"[]/////[] uhhh....."  'WAIT HE DIDN'T GET THAT DID HE?!?!'  "Ummm.... maaayyyybee I lied and maaaayyyybeee I know sign language.  Possibly"  "WHAT?!"  "It's okay smol bean~"  "Don't call me that!"  "But you are"  I tackled him again to make him shut up.  BUT THIS TIME, THE UNIVERSE WANTS TO PLAY FUKIN HOE!!!  (They landed in a kiss but the smol bean didn't pull back for a long time.)  When I finally did pull away, I was so red-faced I thought I'd die.  "Wow, good day to you too~"  "Sh- shut up!" "But you didn't have to tackle me to kiss me~"  "hhhhh buttherewasn'tanytacklingoranythingatallwejustwalkedthroughtheparkoknothinhappenedwhatsoeveratallnope" "heh, yeah right, smollest bean~" 'I think I'm dying kinda sorta- yeah death by blushing is happening' 

         "ahh-uhh- umm nothing happened" "mmhmm, sure, but I know what happened, even if it was accidental~" "SHUT YOUR FACE!!!" "aww, look, you're blushing~!" "omg no I'm not!" "oh really, then uncover your face~" 'I didn't even realize I was hiding it' "wha-" he cut me off by moving my hands for me. "H-hey!" "Awww~ you're adorable~" I put my hands back up and screeched into them "wanna ditch the gremlin group~?" "wha- oh sure... but where would we go?" "my favorite restaurant~" "lemme just text John then, I'll think of some excuse" I pulled out my phone

SickKid: hey, sorry, can't make it.

ThatTurtleKid: Whyyyyyyy?!

SickKid: reasons, you're not changing my mind

ThatTurtleKid: ohhh~ and what reasons are those~?

SickKid: guess based off my username

ThatTurtleKid: oh, well get better soon~!

SickKid: thx, bye

'Well that was easier than expected.' "ready to go, Jemmy~?" I blushed REALLY red. 'Literally can my face get any redder?!' "tha- uhh- that nickname is new" "hehe~ roll with it, it fits cuz it's almost as adorable as you~" 'guess it can' "ah- uhh- omg" Once again, I covered my face. "Hehe~ you blush a lot Jem~" "how about you shut your mouth?" "only if you make me~" "Thoooommaaass" "what's the matter~? Blushin pretty hard, huh Jem~?" "omg, you're gonna be the death of me" "all angels have to go back to heaven eventually~" "OMG YOU'RE CHEESIER THAN YOUR DUMB MAC N CHEESE!!!" "le gasp~" "hmmt, and you wonder why I call you zopa"

"Don't be mean, smol bean Jemmy" "STOP CALLING ME THAT!!!" "but you're adorable when you blush~?" I squeaked into my hands again.  "Don't cover your pretty face~"  "You're a baka, Tommy~" "ahh- n-no fair, that one's worse!" "All's fair in love and war" "and which one is this~?" "little of both." "heh, are you quoting people on me again~?" "You wouldn't know if I was, so you can decide that~" "wait- are you crying? What's wrong, Jem?" "Tears of joy..... I just.... you have no idea how long I've loved you, Thomas... 'Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.' and 'Irony is bittersweet' " "okay, wow, I'm 1,000% positive those were quotes, Jemmy, are you sure you're ok...?" "best day of my life~" "aww, you really are fudgin adorable~" "you're entitled to your opinion, even if you're wrong." "Well I hate to say, but I bet the whole world knows about us by now~" "WHA-WHAT?!" "because you are my world" "awww why are you like this?!" "no idea, but you know you love me~" "nope" "then I could just go home, huh~?" "NOO- ahh- I mean- omg" "heh~ you're not a very good liar, Jem.~ That's part of why you're a good friend, you couldn't lie to me if you tried~" "heh. Uhh. well- how long till we get to your restaurant thing?" "you never honestly answered my question, you know you love me, right~?" "uhh- w-well- uhh yeah I think so." "good, because I know I love you~" 'I think I might pass out from heat stroke if he keeps this up' "you know that, right smol one~?" "You're just gonna keep calling me smol, aren't you?" "It's fun when you flush~" "Omg, you really get on my nerves sometimes." "sometimes? What about the rest of the time~?" "scratch that, you're annoying all the time" "too bad... guess I'll just continue being annoying, Jemmy." "NoOoOoO tHaT's NoT wHaT i MeAnT!" "ok, I'll stop if you stop hiding your adorable face~" That just caused me to cover my face entirely "nope, not gonna ha-" Again, he pulled my hands away, "WHAT IS YOUR FASCINATION WITH DOING THAT?!" "It annoys you." "like you do?" "oww, don't be mean smo-" "if you say 'don't be mean smol bean' one more time I will-" "Don'tbemeansmolbean~" I tackled him again, 'THIS TIME, NOW THE UNIVERSE WANTS TO LET ME TACKLE HIM NORMALLY, WHAT THE HECK?!' "Jem, you don't have to tackle me to try to kiss me~" I blushed like REALLY hard. "Omg" "I only know there is one 'cuz somebody had to send me the smollest angel~" "THOMAAAAASSSSS CAN YOU NOT?!?!" "I cannot not~" "oh my jeezus what's wrong with you?!" "You drive me crazy~" "ah- omg can you not be like this so much?!" "nah, too much fun" I mumbled something that should've been in my head- there's been a lot of that, hasn't there? "How da crap did I end up with such a dumb senpai?" "Le gasp~ I is a your senpai~?!" "grammatical atrocity, you should've said, 'Gasp~ I'm your senpai~?!' which you are."

hamilton fluff (pretty much just jeffmads fluff =3)Where stories live. Discover now