(8) And I'd keep my head

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        (Look @ le thing, James Madison was a pisces, now think of how he acts around Thomas =3 I do this kind of thing intentionally, oh and Thomas is also a pisces but stfu let him be flirty as fuck XD)

         As soon as we get back to our room, I look through the fridge for sushi ingredients.  "You're actually gonna make sushi?"  "Yeah, and you, you're gonna eat it because it's amazing."  "But it's raw, I don't wanna get sick"  "No, not all sushi is served raw."  "fine"  After a while, I get bored, so I start singing.  "Our love story could be kinda gory far from boring, we'd meet a post-apocalypse.  Yeah I'd be slowly walking, in a group stalking you, you'd be the only man alive that I could not resist.  Then all of your friends, they'd try to kill us but only because they'd be jealous that our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's."

         "If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain I'd just want your heart. Yeah, I'd want your heart I'd just want your heart.  If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain I'd just want your heart. Yeah, I'd want your heart I'd just want your heart.  Cuz I want ya- you'd be hiding in a second floor apartment knocking all the stairs down, to save your life... from the undead.  Double- barrel shotgun, takin' out the slow ones, then you'd see the passion burning in my eyes, and I'd keep my head. (Rolling the credits, sir!)   Then all of your friends, they'd try to kill us but only because they'd be jealous that our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's."

         "If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain I'd just want your heart. Yeah, I'd want your heart I'd just want your heart. If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain I'd just want your heart. Yeah, I'd want your heart I'd just want your heart. Cuz I want ya-"  "You're good."  "Well you're a baka"  "And you're a tsundere."  "And you're an idiot!"  "And you must be really dumb to hang around such an idiot, huh?"  "Shut up"  "nah"  "Oh my lord, sushi's ready"  I bring him my personal favorite, shrimp tempura.  "You sure this is edible?"  "As sure as I am that you're too annoying to mean anything to me."  "Then you must be trying to poison me"  "Just. Eat. The. Sushi!"  "Crime against the English language."  "Shut up and eat it!"  "Sure"  There's a long pause, then, "Dang it, I was SO ready to see the first time you've ever been wrong!  In all seriousness, THIS IS LIT!" This makes me giggle a little.  "I know it's lit, it's my favorite kind"  

         "Good job, I'd say you impressed me, but I'm not really surprised, you're always amazing."  "You don't mean that."  "I do"  "...You make me so happy, you do know that right?"  "Yeah, you know you're the reason I know what happy is, right?"  "You had to go and out- cheesy me, didn't you?"  "Yep."  There's a long moment of just staring into each other's eyes.  "I like you so much, James."  "If that's true, I have a random question."  "Yeah?"  He stands up.  "If you're gonna stand up then you gotta bend down, I'm short!"  "True"  So he leaned down.  "I just wanted to know how dumb you must be not to have kissed me yet~"  I kiss him on the cheek before he can criticize my so-called question. "Woah, that was unexpected."  "Oh shut up"  "Doesn't make it a bad thing though"  

         I just stare into his eyes again for a second, "Thomas, you have the most amazing eyes.  The prettiest shade of blue, always shining, just amazing."  "Aww."  "And your hair, it's so fluffy!"  "Is that really all you got?"  "Umm... yeah?"  "Well you're really small and I find it cute how you're always calling me baka.  Tsunderes are cute."  "Heh okay you proved your point you can stop-"  "And how you're always blushing and stuttering, but that's just external beauty."  "O-okay but can you please sto-?"  "You're so smart I can't even comprehend it sometimes, you're always nice to people like me even when they're being jerks, or if they just don't deserve it."  "tHoMaS sToP i'M dYiNg LiKe PlEaSe KnOcK iT oFf-"  "And the way you play with your necklace when you're nervous, everything about you is perfect."  "Are you done?!"  "The list goes on, but I'll spare you."  "Thank you"  "No problem."

(sorry, I write total crap, but oh well XD)

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