(7) What Are We?

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         It's now been a week since I last spoke to you... whoops?  Sorry?  Just been distracted lately.  It's just overwhelming.  Not even just the confession...  NO NOT LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY MINDED FILTH!  Also, sorry, I've been edgy because of final tests in our subjects.  PHYSICS AND CALCULUS ARE HARD OKAY?!?!  Wow, calm down James.  Anyway, I'm on my way back from taking our finals, and I'm an anxious wreck.  I decide to text Thomas, we've been talking more lately.  "How do you think you did?"  "horrible, I'm sure you did great though, you smart little smol" 

         "umm... thank you?  I have no idea how I was supposed to take that."  "a compliment.  Stop over analyzing everything."  "stop under analyzing everything!"  "touche"  "what did you like google that word to impress people?"  "that was just mean"  "but was it true?"   "no"  "anyways I'm bored, wanna go get some foods?  I wanna talk about... stuff"  "you don't actually still believe the government is spying on you, do you?"  "No, they'd be bored out of their minds"  "suuurree, but you're not actually that boring.  See you there in fifteen min?"  "yeah sure"  'good, I have a question'  

         I show up about ten minutes later, so I'm five minutes early.  I like being pessimistic, so I'm ten minutes later than I had to be.  I know I'm confusing.  *Thomas seems to be okay with you~*  Oh yeah, and there's the voice in my head, I call him Conner.  *well he does~*  'shut up you frikin' idiot!'  * >=3 never!*  You heard it here first, not even the voice in my head ever shuts up.  Great.  Now Thomas is here, "James, stop.  Just stop.  I don't get it.  Straight A's and you're never late?  To anything?!"  "1: yeah.  2: That pause in the middle of your sentence was a crime against the English language.  It shouldn't be there. It needs to not exist."  "And you're the grammar police, I'll keep that in mind."  "T H A T   W A S   S U P P O S E D   T O   B E   T W O   S E P A R A T E   S E N T E N C E S    T H O U G H!"  "Shuuuuuuut uuup"   "never" *aww, just like me*  'shut. your. face.'

         "Well what were you gonna say?"  "oh that..."  I sit down on a nearby bench.  "I just had a really serious question"  "Ask away"  "What are we?" (rooollllllll credits!)  "people"  I laugh.  "You know what I mean baka"  "What do you want us to be?"  "Well.... we were already best friends..."  "I'm aware of this, fact machine."  "But we've gotten a lot closer in the past week... and we both know how the other feels..."  "WE COULD BE EXTRA- MOST- BESTEST FRIENDS!!!"  "Thomas I swear to god"  "Look, I know what you're gonna say, just say it" So I blush, and spit out the following words so fast, a human has never made that sound before.  "Thomas will you go out with me?"  'wow, I said that so fast, I wouldn't have understood if I hadn't have thought it'

         "sure"  "Did you actually even hear what I said, or are you assuming?"  "You could prove I didn't hear you if you said it in an audible tone"  "Will. You. Go. Out. With. Me. Baka?!"  "Sure"  "Y O U   M E A N   T O    T E L L   M E-?!?!"  "Yep, just testing your courage, you passed"  "You have earned the title, 'Baka,'  you jerk"  "Rude"  "but true, this feels a little like deja vu, doesn't it?"  "life is deja vu, it's all happened before, the big bang theory."  "wow, well I believe the universe is a simulation, and we can only see a certain extent because the creators didn't finish.  It's sort of terrifying, because if it's true, we could fade from existence if we make a big enough mistake, and the creators of the simulation decide it's not worth the time'"

         "Well that's depressing... speaking of which-"  He pulls up my sleeve to reveal that I haven't cut for a week.  "That's a start, but Jem, you're worth more than that.  You're amazing, you deserve never to have to feel pain.  You don't know how good you are, when's the last time you did something wrong?"  "You do realize being gay is a sin, right?"  "yOu KnOw WhAt I mEaN!"  "...It has been a while, but thAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M A CINNAMON ROLL!"  "No, it just means there's no reason to cut yourself, don't do it James."  "When's the wedding~?"  'Who's voice was th- Alex.  It was Alex.' 

         "I think you guys make a cute couple."  'oh wait, I get to use a comeback I thought of yesterday here.'  "Alex, I've looked everywhere and I can't find it"  "find what?"  "I still can't find where I asked for your opinion on anything."   "Wow, feisty much short?"  "Mind your own business much?  No, you don't, but you should try it."  "Calm down James, he's gonna be curious eventually, remember this is Ships-I-Can-Ship-Alex"  "Rude Jefferson!"  "Ugh come on Thomas, we don't have to deal with this"  I shoot daggers at Hamilton with my eyes.  "Sure, I'll be making mac n cheese for dinner then?"  "No, I'm making sushi =3!"

(Sorry, gaymazing marshmallows, but  I'm tired, I'll update tomorrow around 4:30.  Keep being awesome 030)

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