(1) First Day of High School

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(Thomas's P.O.V.)

Hi, my name is Thomas Jefferson. I'm starting ninth grade today, my freshman year, and to be honest, I'm pretty nervous. The only friend I know I can count on at this point is James Madison, we've been best friends since.... I wanna say sometime around fourth grade? Heh, once me and James had an "art challenge" where we had to draw each other, he's WAY better at drawing than I am though.

 I wanna say sometime around fourth grade?  Heh, once me and James had an "art challenge" where we had to draw each other, he's WAY better at drawing than I am though

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I drew mine as a joke because he would occasionally say, "Murder?  Sounds fun!"

I'm gonna be team captain of the soccer team this year, we didn't have one in middle school

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I'm gonna be team captain of the soccer team this year, we didn't have one in middle school. James, however, is the shyest, least athletic, smallest, most bookworm-ish person I know. What's annoying is, all our "friends" (I say it like that because they're ok-ish friends, but not the best =P) are always shipping us, which is annoyING BECAUSE I'M F-N STRAIGHT!!! (that's a lie, I'm bi as the fourth of July.) I was walking to first hour, I asked for french because I already knew it, as an excuse to not listen to a teacher.

While I was on my way -being nervous inside, confident outside- I noticed James across the hall talking to John Laurens (who is barely like maybe two inches taller than James, who is 4'11 to the exact) "Oh, hi Thomas!" was all I heard out of him before getting stuck in the tightest bear hug of all time. 'I'm starting to see why people ship us, but it's not like that.................. but what if it was?' The thought of everything changing made me shudder. 'I can't think like that, we're best friends, nothing more.' I then realized I was supposed to say hi back. "James, Turtles." Oh, we call John turtles because he has LIKE FIFTY-ONE OF THEM!!!!!!! (XD Dat reference tho) "Sup?" 'dying inside, that's what's up, all day, everyday' "not much" It was just then I realized at around the same time as James did that he still hadn't let go of me. "Uhhhhhhh... James?" "y-yeah?" I noticed Turtles was recording this. 'I'm WAAAAYYYY too gay for this.' "Y-you gotta let me go sometime, ya know." With that, he blushed, stepped back, and picked his books back up. "Hehe~ sorry." "It's ok." then there was an awkward silence, broken by me, "Hey James, what classes do you have?" "uhhhhhh first hour french, second hour history, third hour art, fourth hour math, fifth hour english, sixth hour reading, seventh hour science. You?" 'NOOO WAAAYYY!!! =D' "first hour french, second hour history, third hour soccer, fourth hour math, fifth hour english, sixth hour reading, seventh hour science!!! YAAASSS!!!"

'Ok, calm down Thomas, I mean seriously, how gay can you even come off, calm down, it's just school.' "YAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 'or maybe he's more excited than I am.' I heard Turtles giggling in the background, "shhhhiiiiiipssss!" I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, hey James, any clubs after school? I got debate club." I could see his eyes light up, "S A M E !" "wait, you hate fighting, why are you in debate club?" "Because you like fighting, and I assumed you would be in debate club. = >" then I heard another voice that wasn't there before....... Alexander. "SHIIIIPPPPPSSSSSS!!!!!" Then Laurens lit up, "ALEX, WASSUP?!" "ugh Thomas you could've warned me HE was here." 'James hates him too? what?' "Here comes the gremlin- I mean Hamilton." "too late now!! >=(" "Good to see you guys too" again, I rolled my eyes. "James, class is about to start, come on." And with that, we started walking to class. "... soooooo uhhhhhhh......Thomas..... it's a little hard to believe they're still shipping us, huh?" 'Not really.' "yeah." 'because us together would be crazy, we're just friends.' "yeah, it would be crazy." "oh- I- Uhhhhh- meant to say that in my head" I looked back over and he was staring at the wall in thought. '........ my god he's adora- nOOOoooOOOoooOOO I cAn'T bELieVe I eVeN tHoUgHt ThAAaAaAaAt!!!' "Thomas, we're always gonna be best friends... right...?" "of course, why?" "just... making sure... you weren't gonna...... leave me....... Like everybody else." "James, I would NEVER!!! You're my best friend in the fudging universe, I'll always be here for you, no matter what." "....Promise...?" "promise." There was a long pause. "....you're the best, Thomas" "no, you are" "No I'm not, I'm short, nerdy, pathetic-" I immediately scooped him into a hug, causing him to drop his book. "James, listen to me, you're not pathetic, you really are the best, you make everyone happy -especially me- and you're amazing, who gives a crap if you're short, you can't control that, and "nerdy" just means you're smart, which you are!!!" '.....I think I just choked on gay for a second' "...... thanks for trying, Thomas, but I really am pathetic..... I even let myself fall-.... Nevermind" "James, whatever you were about to say, that doesn't matter! You're the best person in the fudging world!!!" '...... still choking on gay...' I noticed him blushing, then I realized I had been blushing the entire time. ".......y-you really think so...? Not just... saying that...?" "of course not, James, you're awesome! Wanna ditch class? I already know french, so I can help on the test they'll have tomorrow." I started getting nervous, so I played with my hair, which I never do in public, because everyone sees me as confident. ".....Well......ok..... Starbucks?" "YUS!!!

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