Finding out About the Coronation

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"Morning everyone!" Mrs. Bustier greeted, seeming overly excited. Her students greeted her back, confused by her joyous attitude.

"I have a huge announcement to make!" She exclaimed.

The class silenced, waiting for her to tell everyone what she was talking about.

She hesitated, trying to find the right words. Finally finding her voice she stated the surprise for her class:

"For our graduation trip, we will be going to China for three weeks to see the Princess's coronation!" She said. Everyone stilled. Not knowing what to say, but now overly excited.

"We will be going May 18th, meaning you have to let me know if you can go or not by tomorrow." We will be attending a plane ride there, and Marinette will be our host, as she volunteered. She is familiar with the area."

"And one more thing! You will be getting tailored suits and dresses while you are there to attend the Princess's coronation. You will not have to pay since this is a gift from her."

"And Chloe, come talk to me. Any questions?" Marinette raised her hand, asking to meet her after Chloe, seeming nervous.

The class began to get louder with chatter a couple of minutes after their teacher had stopped talking, obviously over the excitement of their class trip. Marinette waited by her desk waiting for Chloe's conversation to be over with Mrs. Bustier, but it was taking too long. Their chat consisted of Chloe's behavior in class, and she seemed irritated by it.

"Hey- Marinette? What did you need to ask her?" Alya asked. She was a little too curious for her good sometimes, but it was a part of her personality. Which- of course- Marinette did not mind.

"Oh, j-just nothing Alya, I wanted to ask her about- um..... about the test results.... that- that she didn't give us yet...?" Marinette began to stutter, she wasn't too good with lying.

"But she gave us the test-"

"Marinette?" Mrs. Bustier called. Marinette walked down the classroom fully relieved that she did not have to lie again.

"Mrs. can I talk to you in private? Where no one can hear us?" Confused, her teacher nodded, wanting to find out why Marinette had the urge to talk to her in private.

"Of course Marinette, just wait a couple of minutes, the class is about to end." Marinette smiled at her, and slowly started to walk back to her seat to pack up her stuff. She didn't want to be questioned by Alya again.

Just as she got to her desk, Mrs. Bustier called out that class was dismissed, allowing for all the students to rush home.

"Marinette?" Mrs. Bustier asked as soon as the class was empty.

She walked towards her, thinking about what to say, and how to say it.


"How do I say this- I'm kind of the princess of China...." Marinette mumbled.

"The what Marinette? Please speak a little louder, I can't hear you."

Marinette rushed the words out of her mouth again, this time a little louder- a little louder than needed.

"Uhm, Marinette are you sure? You aren't lying to me right?" Mrs. Bustier didn't believe her! Why would anyone believe that a princess was in the room the entire school year?! And specifically the princess of China! It was like a huge joke being played on Mrs. Bustier.

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