To China

555 11 3

Marinette P.O.V

When I get to school, I go to Mrs. Bustier and tell her that me Nino, Alya and Adrien are going to China together. I also tell her that we will be leaving tomorrow and will meet her in China where the class and herself will land. I hope that everything goes well on their flight. I really wouldn't want anything to go wrong. She agreed to what I had just said, that my little group of four, will be staying at the Palace. Even though I bugged Madame to stay with us, she declined for the class.

The next day.
3rd POV

Adrien, Nino and Alya were all at Marinette's house by 12 a.m later that night. They'd all brought their suitcases with them. Everyone od their bags had been filled with clothes varying from one or two fancy party dresses/suits to casual clothing such as jeans and t-shirts. Marinette had warned them to pack some fancy things with them. But she didn't know what type of clothes they'd bring. And that's when she asked Nino about his clothing choices.

She'd helped Alya pick out her dresses, and was sure rhat Adrien would be fine on his own. But she wasn't sure about Nino. His quirky personality made her think that he would bring a very outstanding suit with him. And it turned out to be correct. Nino had brought a suit that was all black with polka dots all around it. They were brightly coloured, contrasting the dark background of the suit. And of course, to make it a little more outgoing, the pants had 2 cutouts on the knees shaped in circles. Not to mention that it was oversized. Marinette was glad that they had at least half an hour before they had to be at the airport.

"But why can't I just have it with me?!" Nino asked.

He'd always wanted to wear that suit, but he never had the chance to. And that was the crazy part. Who would ever wear something as hideous as that?

"Do you have at least 2 more suits with you? Normal ones?" She asked.

"Uh- I have one?"

"With you? Here?"

"Yeah Marinette, it's in my bag. It's a navy blue. And I brought a white shirt to go along with it." Nino explained.

She sighed in relief. She could always buy him a new suit. But it was a great help that he had one with him. One that wasn't crazy or oversized like the one he brought. She could ask one of the seamstresses back at the palace to make one in a different colour with the matching size.

Just as Marinette finished Nino zip up his suitcase the limo appeared outside.

"Okay everyone, I'm going to pack everyone snacks for the trip that you will definitely enjoy. And we are going to meet you in 3 days. Remember that!" Tom repeated for the fifth time.

"Thank you Papa," she was growing tired of their worrying. She understood why it was such a big deal to them. She was going to China without them.

"Holy sh- crap," Nino said as he caught himself. As they sat down inside, a chauffeur came up and put all their stuff into the trunk of the car. This limousine was even bigger than Chloe's.

"So what now?" Alya was getting broed just as she sat down in the luxury vehicle. Nino nodded along with her, wanting to see what they would do in their free time.

"Sir? Can you please tell us the things we can do in this limousine?" Marinette called up to the driver.

"Of course, Princess Marinette.
In this limo, you can karaoke, play arcade games, use the bar, listen to the radio, news whatever you desire. And many more." The chaffeur surprised them all with the amount if activities available to them.

"But please be sure to stay in your seats at all times as the ride may be bumpy. I would also like to let you know that the bar does not have alcoholic drinks, so it is fully available to you."

Getting excited everyone started having their own fun, taking in the luxury as long as it would last.


They suddenly stopped and went over to an airplane... also known as a private jet. Inside there were four beds for the four friends.

Each room was customized to the personality of each person. Take it as Adrien, his room is green and black 'cause of his green eyes and siganture black shirts, and. A kitchen, dining area, and even a shower in the bathroom.

The captain announced the as the group took a seat in the plane. They all cheered as the plane took off.

They'd all decided to get some rest after the long day they'd had. It was already about 5 o'clock in the morning back on Paris, and they had been awake since midnight. They deserved a well rested sleep.

They all went into their small rooms except for Adrien and Marinette. The boy was thinking about what he would do when he got to China, and the girl was drawing and sketching her heart out. But to their knowledge, they both had the urge to use the bathroom, and bumped into each other. They both fell. Marinette was pinned on the ground and Adrien was on all fours, holding Mari's arms down. They both blushed a cherry red as they heard words.

"Why are you on top of each other?"

Word count: 926

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