c h a p t e r t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Adrien's P.O.V

I wake to the sound of classical music blasting from the palace. I'm guessing that the dance has started now. It's completely dark and cold. I don't know how I survived out here this long. I should really go inside and tell Marinette what I dreamt of.

Inside, everyone had been paired up with a partner and dancing along to the music. Some people were just stand and talking on the outskirts of the dance. This place is so huge, I can barely see the half of it. I start looking through the crowd of people, seeing if I can find Mari. Suddenly I'm pulled into the dance.

"Hey, Mari was looking for you, where in the world were you?!"

It was Alya, she was dancing with me and everyone was moving in a circle, around a smaller group which was doing their own little dance.

"I fell asleep outside, and where is Marinette?"

"Why did- oh never mind! She is on the other side of this circle. Go get her!"

She moved on to the other person leaving me to another girl that came. If she is on the other side, it's gonna take long as heck for me to get to her.

The song changes a little up beat, having the circle move faster. This is gonna help a little.

The girl moves on and another one comes. She has bright red hair and a nice pale blue dress. She doesn't look interested in dancing at all. Then the next one comes, and the next and the next.

It had been about thirty minutes. And I feel as if my legs are gonna fall of. I'm pretty sure I've been through half of these girls by now. As tiring as it is, I need to find Mari. I look around as I let the elder women go. What I've noticed the past minutes, is that everyone is dancing. Kids to seniors. I danced with a ten-year old girl to the seventy-year old that just left.

A couple more minutes pass and I could see Marinette dancing with a guy who looks fifteen but is 5'7. He does know that she is eighteen right? It was time to move and he didn't let her go, the people beside them just went around them to avoid starting a fight.

I get out of the dance and a ten year old looking girl comes by, I shove another ten year old who was walkijg by in front of her and walk towards Marinette.

Pulling her put of the guy's grasp, I moved another lady towards him.
"Where have you been? Do you know how long it took me to find you?!"
I yell, softly.

"I'm sorry, there was somebody in the hallway and they were talking about stealing a crown. So I had to go tell the guards and they are taking care of that now." She answered. Why would someone want to steal the crown?

"Can we go somewhere quieter?" I plead. She nodded and started walking out, me following along.

. . .

"So what's up?" She asked.

"I had another dream."

"What did she say?" Marinette frowned, looking a bit sad.

"She said to get her and my grandmother out, we need to use your miraculous. We have to use the lucky charm and it should give us a 'galaxy looking ball'." I state, quoting my mother.

She seemed to be thinking this through carefully, being the girl she is it made sense that she would think these things through carefully and precisely.

"We can do that but then how did she even get stuck there?" She asked out of curiosity. This was a good question.

"She was trying to get my grandmother out. My grandmother got stuck because she used the peacock miraculous selfishly, and when my mother opened the 'portal' to the.... space; she got pulled in because she couldn't get my grandmother out herself."

Marinette looked confused for a second. Soon her eyes widened.

"The people who wanted to steal the crown were talking about there being the miraculous of the peacock on it. They want the miraculous!" She said shocked.

"They said the name 'Hawky' too. Sounds like Hawkmoth doesn't it?!"

"From where this is going it sounds like that these thieves are working for Hawkmoth." I piece things together.


We start walking to the garden, I heard Marinette fall behind a little.
"My shoe just got undone, you go I'll catch up." She said. I nodded and followed her orders.


Marinette screamed. I immediately turn around to find her mouth covered with a hand and a knife to her neck. The guy has a bandana on his face and sliced a little slit on her throat to threaten me.

"You tell anyone, she dies..."

. . .

Guess this is the end! I'll be making a sequel soon! This was such a fun book to make! I got 1k views for the first time, and completed a book. It was a great journey improving my writing and have you guys read. It has been almost over a year. Wow.

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