Trampoline Show-Off

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The next day.....

Everyone had returned at 9:00 last night. They had all been knocked out, as soon as their heads touched their pillows.

Marinette had woken up fairly early, at about six a.m. and surprised herself. She took a shower and picked put her clothes. Marinette wore a white lace crop top and light blue shorts, with a bright blue floral cardigan.

 Marinette wore a white lace crop top and light blue shorts, with a bright blue floral cardigan

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Disclaimer: not my picture. I took a screen shot of it on google.

Alya had awoken by then and had gotten ready as well. Though she had a grey plain cardigan. Both the girls went downstairs for breakfast then met up with Mrs. Bustier by seven o'clock.

"Hey Mrs. B! Where to today?" Marinette asked.

"We will me going to the trampoline park. So you might want to take a water bottle with you ladies. It might get hot inside so be sure to have it with you at all times." Mrs. Bustier replied with a bright smile. The incredibly nice teacher was wearing a white lace top with blue jeans and her hair up in her usual bun.

"You look very nice today Mrs. Bustier." Sabrina said as she came down from the stairs. They started a conversation, which ended when Chloe came with a bright yellow top, and white shorts. The girls stop talking and look at the girl, they look back at each other and keep talking, including Sabrina. Totally ignoring the bratty girl.

"UH- HELLO?! I'M HERE TOO YOU BRATS! And Sabrina, WHY are you talking to Mari-trash?! She looks like trash with those ridiculous shorts." The snobby gal said.

"Chloe, I want other friends too." The red head spoke up, fairly quiet. "What was that?! I couldn't hear you with these trash bags with you." Chloe exclaimed. Sabrina just gave up and went towards Chloe, to shy to stand up for herself. But before she returned, she whispered something to Marinette, Which left a smirk on the bluenette's face. The brat walked of with her only friend leaving the pigtailed girl and he sassy auburnette laughing their heads of.

Times skip brought to you by the magical doing that the author is allowed to do. 😂😂

The class had come down from their rooms and gotten into the bus, curious about where they were headed. Once the bus stopped and the class was out on the pavement, they headed inside. Everyone gaped at the sight.

There was a trampoline volleyball area, trampoline basketball and dodge ball. There was also a gigantic foam pit, which had a few mats hanging with chains leading to another side of the place, almost like an obstacle course. Or on the right there were three rock climbing walls with a trampolines at the bottom. One wall was with blocks acting as rocks, another was a normal wall.

And the last one had semi-cylinders attached horizontally with little gaps leading to the top, acting as the hardest wall. In the center of the building, there were fairly big trampolines small enough that four to five people could lay in them.

 In the center of the building, there were fairly big trampolines small enough that four to five people could lay in them

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Disclaimer: picture not mine. Screen shotted from Google. Credit to the rightful owner of the pic.

(In the pic where the pole is, imagine there is a small stage type thing, that is as tall as a 5 ft 7 person, with stairs so people can jump off of it.)

The entire class went to the center, taking turns showing off their tricks.

"Hah! I bet Mari-trash, can't even jump off of that stage thing!" Chloe says. Marinette was already up there and got everybody's attention,

"Oh yeah?" She said, as jumped of another four feet into the air, while doing a triple front flip, landing on her bum and doing a doggy jump then cartwheel going next to the stage.

Alya gaped, as well as the rest of the class.

"What do you say now?" Marinette smirked as nothing had happened.

"WHERE DID YOU LEARN HOW TO DO THAT?!?!?" The class yelled in union.

"Well I have been taking gymnastics ever since I was four. So......." Marinette says nervously, as Chloe storms off. The class crowds around Mar asking her questions, slowly starting to doing their own things.

The day came to an end and the class went to the palace. Once again, falling asleep right as their heads hit their pillows.
"God bless, whoever made these beds so comfy...."

How'd you like that??? I'm sorry it's short. I'm just have a writers block. Where should the class go next? Comment and I'll do it. Happy reading!!!

Words count: 769

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