Packing Up

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Marinette's P.O.V

"Wake up Alya!" I yelled.

"You sleepy head, I cannot belive I woke up before you! Today is May 12th! You have 4 days to pack up!!" I said to her.

I give up.

I don't know she was harder to wake them me. I quickly rush through my drawer, looking to find the speaker I can attach to my tablet. I put on her favorite song by Jagged Stone, which was written for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Immediately after putting the speaker next to Alya's ear, I put the song volume a bit higher.

Still nothing. Hmmmmm. I waited a bit before I put the music to full blast.

"MARI!!! oh. YOU KIDDING?! WHAT THE ACTUAL F-" Alya almost cursed.

I slapped my hand across her mouth before she could.

"Language A," I glared.

"I cannot belive I had to do that to wake you up." I say concerning-ly.

"My sisters have to do that all the time over the summer" she answered back. I never knew that. New fact learned.

"It's May, 12th. You need you to tell your parents about me being a Princess only. And that you will be beside me at the coronation. Also say that you have to leave before the class leaves which is 4 days from now." I told A.

"Sure Em, should I also start packing today?" She asked.

"Yeah, you should. Pack some formal clothes, some comfy and your usual ones as well." I state.

"Can I see you in 2 hours? After you tell your mom. And no you don't have to be done packing today. You have like, what? Three days I think." I ask Alya.

I wanted to take her shopping. We had to shop for our.... er... my... coronation dress. And her dress since she will be coming with me.

"Sure." She replied back, then got freshend up and left.

Adrien's P.O.V

I cannot belive we were going to China for 3 weeks. My father had said I could, on a condition that I will keep my diet, and work outs on point. If not.... then I will have to leave school for a few days, to catch up on the fitness. I obviously agreed- not wanting to stay in that lonley mansion.

I started to pack before hand, since I knew I might forget some things, I could still add them if I forget.

Being a model had my packed with traveling, and I learned a few tricks. "Plagg, do you need anything? Like a small blanket or something comfy to sleep on while we are there?" I ask.

"I need cheese, a nice soft blanket, and a small bed. Thank you." He said, sarcastically throwing in the 'thank you'.

After a few hours, I finished packing and went out for a walk. I saw Mari leave her house, and saw her run towards the garden in the park. I think she was sketching. I decided to surprise my purr-incess .

Deciding to go behind her and covering her eyes, I asked "Guess who?"

"Adrian?" She answered back.

"You got it right princess!" I said. I mentally slapped myself for saying princess.

"How d-did you find out I'm the princess of China?!" She asked, her eyes wide open.

"What? What do you mean? I just said that because I....... WAIT PRINCESS OF CH-" she slapped her hand aginst my lips.

Her hands felt so soft. I wanted this to last forever. But she pulled away.

"You didn't know? Why did you call me princess then?" She asked surprised.

"Oh um... I said it cause I wanted to surprise you. But you said you were the princess of China so, now we are stuck in this situation." I answered her, I didn't want her to worry.

"Hmmm. You. Need to come. With me. Now." She said. She wasn't stuttering anymore.

I'm glad she was getting braver every second around me. I followed her into her house. "Mama, papa, can we talk for a bit? It's about the coronation stuff." She said.

Her parent nodded and immediately closed the bakery. They motioned me and Mari into their living room, and closed the door.

"Mom, Adrian now knows I am the princess, it was completely by accident an-" she was cut off by her parents.

"Honey it's ok, we wanted to tell Adrien as well, he seemed nice and sweet. I wanted to talk to him about something. Also he will he coming to you coronation, with you and Alya." Marinette's mom said.

"Can you please go to your room? We need to talk to Adrien for a bit, then we'll send him up in your room, is that fine?" Mrs. Dupain-Cheng asked. Marinette simply nodded and left.

"Son, we want you to go to China with our little princess. I can see that you guys are great friends and I hope you don't mind going alongside her," Mr. Dupain-Cheng asked quietly.

"We want you to go because we know you will keep her safe as your alter ego, we want you to protect her. You are probably wondering how we know." Mrs. Dupain-Cheng added. I nodded furiously, agreeing with them. How did they know?

"I see you visit Marinette every couple of days. You leave at about 8 p.m, I belive. Though this one night I was coming back from getting supplies for the bakery when I saw Chat Noir jump into an alley, so I decided to follow him. I was going to ask you what you were doing, but then I saw you change." Marinette's dad explained.

"Oh... I'll protect Marinette as if she was my princess Mrs. Dupain-Cheng," was all I could manage to get out.

"You should be glad Marinette doesn't know that you're Chat, and that she is fine with knowing we know she is l-" Tom was interrupted from saying, "in love with you," by Sabine.

"You can go up now honey. Just yell Mari what we told you about the princess things, not anything else, 'kay?" Mari's mother said.

"Thank you Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." I reply.

"Oh call me Sabine, and call him," she pointed, "Tom," Sabine replied.

As I walked upstairs, all I could think about was Tom's words.

Protect her


Word count: 1050

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