c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n | part 2

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They started talking about their lives a while ago. "So, what do you do when your free?" Marinette asked.
"Mostly just watch TV or sleep, so read some stories..... yeah basically." Adriem replied. "Would you ever help me through the most hardest problems I go through?" Marinette asked Adrien out of nowhere; her voice barely above whisper. Start song now
"Everybody gets high sometimes you know? What else can we do when we're feeling low? So take a deep breath and let it go..." Adrien sang. The music slowly starting out of nowhere. "You shouldn't be drowning on your own..!" She sang with him.

"And if you feel your sinking, I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you.." Adrien sang to Marinette; while having her dance along with him. They were both swaying to the beat. He twirled her, holding her hands with her arms crossed; all the while swaying. Adrien suddenly started dancing near the pond, back drop dancers coming out of oblivion.

"And I won't let go, I won't let go... I'll be your life line tonight... I won't let go, I'll be your life line tonight..." He sang again.

She watched amazed at the sight. It was so amazing, when did he learn this? How- where? When did he have the time? She stood there swaying by herself, with Adrien occasionally bringing her to dance along. He did a flip, while dancing. Getting some props while doing so.

Marinette's P.O.V

He suddenly brought me into the dance. I don't know how, but I danced amazingly doing the same steps with him. He gave me a spin again, this time picking me up. Then setting me down gently.

"You shouldn't be fighting on your own... And if you feel your sinking, I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you.." He sang again.

These words made me tear up every time he said them. It means so much to know that he'd come after me if I get myself into trouble. But what if he isn't there... he won't let go. He is literally saying it. I love him so much..... he started dancing and singing that he won't let go. I never knew he could sing.

"I wont let go... I'll be your life line tonight.... I won't let go... I'll be your life line tonight"
He suddenly stopped while I sang another part.

"Come on, come on save me from my rocking boat, I just wanna stay afloat, I'm all alone..." I sang, meaning these words. He is so...... I have no words.

"And I hope, I hope, someone's gonna take me home, somewhere I can rest my soul, I need to know you won't let go!" I sang again. I stopped dancing with him, listening to what he just said. He kept dancing though. I felt my eyes fill with tears... Happy tears...

Both both sang until the end of the song. He stood there, panting. "So now do you know that I won't let go?" He asked while aiming for a hug. I dodge him, he looked so sweaty. Blegh! "Get away from me you dork! Your so sweaty! And I got the message, just don't cover me in sweat!!" I laugh. This date is just amazing. He winked at me before leading me into the cottage. He went to go get a shower in the washroom while I changed into the pj's he got for me. And by that I mean he gave me a cropped black shirt with a sentence saying 'you're my cat', and black shorts with paw prints on them. He is such a dork.

Adrien came out in half an hour. I have no clue what took him so long. I'm guessing he was giving himself a talk about how good he did. Pshhh, sure he did. Anyway, he got to wear a ladybug onesie, that said, 'I'm your cat'. HOW COME HE GETS A ONSIE?! That's no fair. UGHHH I WANT ONE!!

Adrien's P.O.V

Tonight was amazing. As soon as I got out of the shower, Marinette looked at me and made a funny face. Her brows were furrowed and her nose was scrunched up. Her mouth made a smile type form. I'm guessing she's thinking about why I took so long. Heh, a guy's gotta give himself a serious talk about amazing he did after what happened. I don't blame me. I'm not a guy so I don't know if this offended any of you. Sorry!! It's just for the story!!

"Like what you see m'lady?" I smirk at her. Her expression changes immediately to an annoyed one. It's so cute. "Will you ever stop kitty?" She asks. Nah. I shake my head no, and hear a groan. Haha.
"Do you want to watch Naruto on Netflix?" I ask her. It's one of my favorites. I also love Seven Deadly Sins. And another one. But I'm getting off topic.

(fyi I don't watch these shows. My brother watches Naruto. And watch nothing. Sorry to all anime lovers)

"You like these shows too!?" She screamed. I stared at her for a few seconds thinking about what she just said. Then we both burst out laughing. "Y-YeAh! Let watch it!" I say. We both got comfortable on the bed. I got some popcorn and chips. She got some candies and drinks. We set up a fort on the bed with all the pillows we could find and looked at our masterpiece.

There were 6 pillows stacked up on either side of the bed. Then on top of them was a really long stiff pillow that acted like a roof. It's great the bed was bigger than a king size one. Either way, on the inside of the room made of pillows, there were 2 soft fluffy pillows set up leaning on the wall; and 2 pillows in either side acting as armrests making them look like chairs.

We got inside, setting up the food and blanket so it was comfy for us; then dimmed the lights so we could barely see. We had a clear view of the flat screen TV in front of us. This is the best date ever. We started the show and watched S.D.S, it's amazing we both left of on the same episode. Afte at least three episodes, my shoulder felt heavy. I looked beside me too see that Mari fell asleep. I picked up the food and set it aside so I could let Marinette sleep comfortably. I cleaned of the bed and threw down the pillows; turned off the TV and lights. I then pulled Marinette close and cuddled her until I fell asleep.
Though before I did I whispered to her that I love her.

Marinette's P.O.V

We started watching S.D.S. I think we got past three episodes until I fell asleep. Soon I was half asleep and felt shuffling on the bed. A few minutes passed and I was pulled into someone's grasp. I was about to kick them where the sun doesn't shine but then I heard Adrien's voice. "I love you m'lady." He said. I felt my cheeks heating up and replied with the same. Then finally fell asleep.

Sooooooo.... did ya like it? I've never been on a date cuz I'm to young but I tried. So lemme know if it's good or not. Anyway byeeee!!!

Words count: 1233

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