I found her.......

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Adrien's P.O.V

I was five, and with my mom walking down the street. She told me she would never leave me when I started crying.
"Waaaaah!! Mommy , I hurt myself. *sobbing*"

"Aw, honey, where did you get hurt?"

"My knee, there *sniff, sniff* it hurts. Please don't leave me here, I don't wanna sit here while you get the bandages. *crying* m-mommy"

"Honey, don't ever say that! I will never leave you. Ok? Lets get home and tell daddy what happened ok? You'll feel better after we fix you up. Now lets go"

I remember that.
*the world swirled into his home, being the age he is, 17.*

Em= Emily
Ad= Adrien

Em: do you really?
Ad: of course I do.

I turn around.

Ad: MOM! * I give her a tight hug*
Em: you grew up so much Adri! You're taller than me now!

Mari only calls me Adri

Em: I know she does.

Ad: how do you know I thought that?

Em: I can read minds in here, don't know how, but I can.

Ad: what are you talking about? This is a dream right?

Em: it is Adrien. But, in the real world, I am stuck at home, in the basement. I'm stuck in a coffin. I cannot get out. But I can, though talk to people I know, trust and love my dear Chaton.

Ad: h-how do you know?

Em: being in this world can let me sense you're Kwamii. I have one, she is from he peacock miraculous..... do you remember the day you looked behind the giant painting of me? And you found a book about super hero's? Well my miraculous is in there. The peacock brooch.

Ad: mom..... I don't know what to say, I-I-

Em: You're waking up.


*I wake up*

Where am I? Oh yeah. The castle. Who is waking me up? Sounds like ladybug. It can't be though. Ugh. *turns around* it's Mari. OH ITS MARI! The heck? Oh yeaaaah.... I am at the castle. Duh. Hmmm.

"Morning, why are you here?"

"W-Well because I was walking by and I-I heard you t-tossing and turning while s-saying only I call Marinette that. And I came in to see, then I woke you up. S-So yea."
She said, still stuttering, but only a little. I'm glad that she is getting more comfortable around me.

"Hey, can I just rant on about my dream? I'm so confused and full of questions and uh-"

"Adrien, if it's gonna make you feel better, of course you can. And, after you feel better, I want to tell you two things, that are very important to me." Marinette said, without a single stutter, and with a very serious look. I am so glad I have a friend like her.
"I'm glad you have a friend like me too" she said giggling. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks.

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