C h a p t e r E i g h t

539 12 15

Marinette P.O.V

"Well.... u-um.... I know her because her father used to be a chef here? Yeah and so she used to visit a lot, to help her dad and she became my friend since I had no body to play with. Yeah...." I ramble on saying the 'yeah' not so quietly, I quickly gave Rose a smile.

"Speaking of which, where is she?" Adrien asks. I think he is trying to cover me.

"She has family business." I reply. I feel so bad lying to them.

M: Truth or dare Alya?

A: dare

She said smirking.

M: I dare you to do a prank on the chef today. Just don't mess with the food cause we all would have to eat that then.

A: YUS OK!! Nino? T or d?

N: Truth

A: who do you like?

In that instant he turned as red as Nathaniel's hair.
N: y-you.....

He said blushing even harder. Alya was quiet. She is never that quiet in truth or dare. I was so happy for her! I knew she liked him too. But she didn't blush.

This went on for half an hour.
We decided to head to the pool and just dip our feet in the water talking about everything. Alya decided to do the prank on the chef right then. Everybody sat in silence, until we all heard a scream.

It was a GREAT thing I told all the guards and everyone else about the prank when I went to the washroom. She came back with a huge smirk planted on her face.

"What did you do?" The class asked. Alya was getting different questions shot at her from everyone.

"OK! Ok! Calm down!" She said

"All I did was secretly put a few fake toy, but realistic looking spiders, into the soup. The chef came screaming and running out and I just told him to come with me and let me check. He did and I took one out and said it was a toy and didn't know who did such a thing, since I was going to the washroom."

The boys started laughing, and the girls started to throw random compliments at her like:
That's awesome!
All hail to the goddess of pranks!
Then the entire class laughed.

Chloe came in right then and started to show off to Adrien, about how nice her body was. But he only seemed to ignore her.

Mrs. Bustier's P.O.V

It was to relaxing doing nothing. I knew we were going to the Great Wall of China tomorrow. But I couldn't help but just admire my room and the view outside the window. There was chattering going on and I decided to look out. Oh... just the class.

I closed the window and fell on my bed. I was just about to drift to sleep until I heard a screech. Probably Alya's pranks. She will never change, and I like that about her. I looked at the time, hmmm, 12:54.

It was too late and I still heard chattering. But it was getting louder. I decided to go downstairs and let the class know about tomorrow. They can be so immature sometimes.

*a few minutes later.*

"Guys, you should really go to sleep, we are going to the Great Wall of China tomorrow!" I say. *sigh* I was exhausted today. Marinette told the class she would like to do this again and left. The class followed her and I did the same.

Marinette's P.O.V

Mrs. Bustier came in. She told us all to go to bed and sleep since we were going to the Great Wall of China.
"I'm going to go anyways. Also guys, I hope we get to do this again.

Tikki's P.O.V

Mari is the greatest holder I have had in a while. She is just so kind and sweet, but also very clumsy. It's adorable. Mari came back pretty soon. "Hey Tikki! Uhhh I am SO tired right now. How have you been?"

T:Great! So? What happened down there? I heard a scream.

M: Oh, nothing. I dared A to prank a chef and she decided to do that when everybody went to the pool to relax.

T: Oh, what did she do? *giggles*

M: hmm? Oh. She put realistic looking fake spiders in the soup that was cooking and the chef screamed when he saw it, then Alya asked to see what happened and took one out to only say it was fake.

T: *chuckling* that is Alya alright.

M: Yep. Let's go to sleep now, I am just exhausted and cannot so anything right now.

T: Ok, good night Mari!

She had already changed when she came back. I said goodnight and snuggled onto her cheek.

I woke up at about 3:05 in the morning. All I could think about was Plagg and what he was doing right now. He was the type of kwamii that can't sleep at night, but in the day could sleep whenever he wanted. But sometimes he would sleep the night.

I had to sneak out to find Plagg. He is my love. I just can't imagine living without him. I went into Adrien's room to find him munching on his cheese. Typical old Plagg. But seriously, him and I are very old. And I mean 5000 years old. *sigh* It looked like he was reading something on Adrien's phone. I snuck up behind him and saw what he was doing.

Hmm. OMG what?! I cannot belive he is reading fanfics, just like you are right now. I went back a little and came in again but from his side.

"Hey, enjoying the fanfics? I know I do." I whisper into his ear.


I blushed a very deep red, and was glad he couldn't tell cause of my red skin. The name Love, ugh, it was so cute him calling me that. I hugged him really, really tight.
"Hey Plagg." I whisper lovingly. He kissed me on the cheek. And I blushed again.

"Hehehe, you liked that didn't you?" He said. WHAT?! He can tell if I blush?!

"Wait, what?"

"I could tell you were blushing. Sometimes I can't cause of your red skin, but I can tell when it's light, or VERY dark, you know?" He replied.
I looked down in embarrassment. Ughhhh. I cannot belive it.
"Hey, it's a-okay! It's cute on you." Omgomgogmog. This time I went really red.

"Hehe cuteee"
I punch his arm playfully but a little hard.

"OAWW" he yelled. We both heard a giggle. And slowly turned around, with a very shocked face.

"I never knew Plagg liked- or should I say loved another kwamii." The person said wiggling his brows. It seemed it was Adrien. Plagg and I both turned a deep shade of red.

"Don't worry, I am not going to tease you about it, but only if you don't tease me about ladybug." He says.

Without hesitation my *cute nickname for plagg* agreed.

Let me know a really cute nickname I can use for plagg!!

"I gotta go check on m- Ladybug!" I say quickly. And fly out. Oooooooh omg. What is going to happen tomorrow with plagg?!? Ughhhh. And me???!

CLIFFHANGER. Also what mickname should I give Plagg? Let me know by commenting. Next chap is starting in Plagg or somebody else's P.O.V. but Plagg's will be in there. Don't worry.

Word count: 1258

pdate: all chapters from 1-8 have now been edited

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