c h a p t e r f i f t e e n

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The two woke up and got ready to leave their date. They showered and got dressed in different clothes that a lady brought in. She worked as the boss there, keeping everyone on task.
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They left the cottage after they ate their breakfast

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They left the cottage after they ate their breakfast. Marinette had pancakes whilst Adrien had waffles and fruit. "What do you think is going to happen when we get back?" Mari asked. "Most likely people are going ask where we went and what we did." He replied. They were both in for a crazy surprise.

30 minutes later

As soon as they both got out of the car, they were greeted with Marinette's parents. The elders kept asking questions but backed off when they said they were tired. It turned out the class was supposed to meet at the Palace Garden, so both the teenagers went there; soon to be greeted by a tsunami of friends and questions.

Adrien's P.O.V

As soon as me and Mari entered the garden, all of our friends came towards us. Basically all the girls dragged Marinette away, while all the boys took me. Oh lord...... I was shoved into my room and bombarded with questions from everyone.

"Where were you?"
"Why were you with Marinette?"
"what did you guys do?"

"Ho- "Nino, please. Let me just explain." He only nodded glaring at me. "Me and Mari were on a date."
"YOU WHAT?!" The guys yelled at me. The loudest were Nino and Nathaniel. Who knew tomato head could yell that loud? In response I only flinched at the noise.

With the girls.

"Girl where were you?!"

"Yeah Mari! We were so worried!"

"And why were you with Adrikins?"

"Where did you change from?"

"Wh- "STOP! Ok? I was only on a date with Adrien..."

"YOU WHAT?!" Both Chloe and Alya yelled at Mari. Alya looked happy, Mari was glad. But what she was not glad about is Chloe. She looked furious.

"Look Chloe I k- 

"Marinette it's ok." Chloe said, taking a shaky breath in.

"I know, I've been mean to you and calling Adrien names like 'Adrikins'. But I don't want to act all annoying and hurt people. This *points at Mari and herself* was all done so my father can have his reputation. This was all done, so I wouldn't be alone. But it only made matters worse Mari. Worse... how can I manage to have a friend like you? Alya? Rose? Or any other girl?" Chloe explained shakily. Voice cracking at some points.

"Chloe.... I forgive you for everything you have done. But for keeping a reputation, you should be nice to people. Not mean nor cruel. And if you would like, I'll be your friend." Marinette answered, immediately engulfed in an embrace by Chloe. She returned the gesture and spoke again, causing Chloe to move away.

"You should start by apologising to everyone you have been mean to alright? That way they can give you a second chance." The blonde only nodded and headed to the rest of the girls.

"Alya, I'm sorry for harassing you for nothing. I'm sorry for every mean thing I've done to you. I'm just, so lost and confused I didn't realise I was doing this." Chloe started. Alya smiled at the ashamed girl and gave her a hug.

"I forgive you." The brunette answered. The girl smiled and moved to Rose.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done. Especially for ripping that letter you wrote to Prince Ali. You seemed so happy when I 'agreed' and I didn't think. I'm so sorry for the rest of the stuff I did." Chloe was now shaking, tears filling her eyes. Rose saw this, and immediately forgave and embraced her. The rest was the same, all "I forgive you" and hugs.

But then it came to Sabrina.

"I have no clue how to apologize to you Rina.... I treated you like a slave...... Which was not nice. I made you do my homework, made you not have any other friends." Chloe sobbed.

"I made you feel miserable..... I don't know what it will take for your forgiveness. But I am willing to do anything you would like." The girl said, completely aware of saying 'anything'.

"Chlo, I know you made me feel that why, but for me to forgive you, I want time and I want you to be nice. Have a heart to care for everybody. Even if they annoy you. I don't care. Be mean when you want to. Always have care in your heart and show it." The  red head answered. 

"Now can I have a hug?" She said. Shocking the blonde who was already moving her arms.

"Now you should go apologize to the boys after. OK?" Sabrina said again. The crying girl nodded, then smiled.

"I will. But first, Marinette tell us what happened in your date." Chloe says weakly. But makes the bluenette bright red.

"So w-what happened was.......

After the explaining

"OMG YOU GUYS MADE A FORT AND CUDDLED!!!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Y-yeah... we did."

"OK, now when is your next one?" Alya asked eagerly, making the shy girl blush again. 

"I don't know Alya! Ask Adri about it. Ok? Now I'm not answering your questions anymore. Alright?" She said, then pointed to everyone else.

"You guys as well." Then everybody groaned.

Did you like it? I hope you did! Anyway, sorry for not updating for so long. Byeeee!! 😘😘

Word count: 941

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